🗨 Status Report: What's Up With You?

A nasty case of bronchitis over the holiday/new year period plus many rainy days have caused me to take a break in the mining operation. But I will get back to it soon.

Today my son and I move my mothers furniture to a new care home where she will get a higher level of attention.

Tonight a little party at my daughters place.


hi John, Nadia and all the Edgeryders!
Hope it works well for your Mom and your house, John - Ageing is hard, but it is so much better than the alternative ! :wink:
Nadia, thanks for agreeing to help my friend with his stuck suitcase!
As my update, I will just put that I am still busy in Switzerland with my public association AGiR! (Action for Genomic integrity though Research!) and the open lab group Hackuarium (in French it sounds like a fishbowl, to emphasise the focus on transparency for Open Science). We have a lot of projects going on, but are all volunteers, so it is always a challenge to get things really done. (basically it is all a process, and work in progress, some more for fun and others more serious…) For the last year we have joined in a cooperative with two other associations and a few startups in a building that is destined to be destroyed in a few years. Getting the whole proposition ‘sustainable’ for the long term is a huge challenge.
We hope to rise to it! :wink:

Everyone, hope your new decade is healthy, productive and positive!
Take care! (and if you are keen on participatory research or dynamic genomic integrity, I would love to hear from you!


Benjamin buttoning or what? :))

Greetings from members lunch at Blivande!


Woke up to the news that our local (Swedish) version of the tea party is running a social experiment
in a town situated in the south. One of the brilliant proposals they have come up with is wanting to forbid exclude any language other than swedish from the school curriculum. Not linking to the article in that trash news site (which reminds me - @hugi do you remember the name of that app which allowed you to visit a site without contributing to their ads stats? Unlike or unlink or whatever it was called…)


Ugh. Dumber by the day.

Ah no… don’t remember.

They try that from time to time over here in the USA. It’s all about assimilation and white dominance.

Today begins the impeachment “trial” of Donald Trump in the US Senate. I put quote marks round it because it so far looks to be as close to a phony sham as one can get. No witnesses, 2 days, testimony in the dead of night, no cameras - keep we the people ignorant. And overall, I watch with a combination of fascination and horror daily as the United States of America careens around unable to show meaningful world leadership, or even self-control, where facts are now just what you believe, just at this most crucial time.


@nadia — is this in a similar vein as the Danish “ghetto” plan, but lite?


Spotted a @gustav in the wild! Working on the new Participio Dreams 2.0 project.


I see people work in headstand position at blivande?

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never heard of it - elaborate?

@nadia — in the risk of forking the thread, it is the danish gov scheme to meltingpot some of the communities. Aljazeera has an excellent report on this; with the rational from the former dk gov at https://www.regeringen.dk/nyheder/ghettoudspil/ (in dk). The current dk administration has continued the plan; and from the Aljazeera are executing it.

Back on topic; warm tropical day nearby; perfect to go telemarking down the hills.

  • the curvy bits are mine.



What’s this white stuff there? Don’t know this from Germany. :wink::sunglasses:

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@Ulrike — you might have to take a trip south to find snow :smile: Italy and Switzerland seems to have a little bit…

— via Snow cover in Europe | CBK PAN


I want snow! One lives in Scandinavia and still no proper snow this whole winter? My birthday is coming up and I very much want to celebrate with a giant snow creature like every soon to be 29 year old!


no snow in Sweden??

Zilch. Im here too, nada.

Cold but no snow. Like when I lived in Tennessee in the American South. It hardly ever snowed, but was just as freezing. Didn’t like that.