status team building after the summer break 2024

hi @reef-building
had a call with sophie to know a bit what happened during the last few weeks, and here is an overview + what needs to be done…

  • Verbeke (soil samples)
    ** the date for the soil samples is set for Tuesday 17/09 . joannes can be there to open the gate between 8 and 11:30, sophie and me can do it as well if necessary (@ChrisM : no need for you to go, as it wasn’t possible to fix it on a monday)
    ** sophie is going to call them on monday to re-ask several things as they didn’t answer per mail
    *** explain the parking situation (only 18 m possible but they indicated before that that was ok => answer ‘melanie: Nous interviendrons en Track&truck cela évite le stationnement.’)
    *** ask when they will be arriving as we need to open the gate, and to know if we need to stay and when about they will be finished
    *** re ask if the info the architects send is enough
    ** sophie will give me feedback on monday so i can make a reservation for the parking space
    ** i will pass this weekend to check that the grass is not too high and to check if things are cleared like the architects mentioned on the plan they’ve send

  • Meeting with the architects
    ** I will write them to ask how they see it the coming weeks/best to plan a meeting with them , when? or do they need more time.
    ** we still have some questions to ask them, some more urgent then others: Login – Nextcloud


May I please insist a bit that someone calls them instead of only using written communication? The reason I think this is important is that it makes for a informal better contact. There’s a lot of things we wouldn’t necessarily write down, but which do get exchanged when we just get 10 minutes to talk to each other.

Then, on something completely else, completely off topic, a link to a post on formatting in case it could help: A quick guide on formatting

For sub-bullet points the trick is not to write more asterisks, but to hammer a certain number of spaces (e.g. 3). For sub-bullets under a sub-bullet you just need to hammer more (e.g. 5).

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hi @reef-building
i went to the site today and

  • the grass looks ok on most places. So only some minor cutting is necessary
  • the only thing that needs propper trimming is the buddleja shrubs that chris cut down with the chainsaw, they have plenty of plant shoots, but that’s very doable to trim manually => i’ll do it and if needed i’ll ask for some help (but don’t think that will be necessary)
  • there is a new pile of broken windows right in the middle of the entrance. => i’ll contact marcel after sophie’s feedback on monday to let the owner know about the soil samples on the 17th and to ask to move the windows (it might be from the nice neighbour who we still need to contact to move his car on the 17th)


Hey @reef-building, I just had the lady from Verbeke on the phone: The new insights:

  • re parking: no parking spots needed, because the “track and truck” is a truck that is carrying the machine and will drop it off on the site.
  • re timing: there is another chantier before ours that day so they will arrive anytime between “fin de matinée” and “début d’après-midi”. They will call me an hour before they get there and I will make my way to Jette. We don’t need to be present/there to close the gate but maybe someone can drop by in the evening to close the gate?
  • re architects: “rapport pour les essais de perméabilité” still missing - Els to relaunch the architects.

hi @reef-building

I just had a phone call with Francois (architect), and here a little summary of our call:

  • they have well received the document Lie has sent about our programme (units + common spaces)
  • everything is clear and has allowed them to start the work. They only had a small question about the inclusion units and I said it is something we want to explore (not being sure it will be possible), but if they see any alerts/big problems that they tell it. They just said that it’s not easy to foresee such small units, but it was more a remark than a big thing.
  • they have started analysing our programme, the worked on a 3D of the site, they also work on a mock-up, they went visiting the site last week…
  • Right now they don’t have any further questions or need to sit together. They will let us know when they have an idea about this, he thinks this will be in 3 weeks more or less
  • i asked about the extra info that Verbeke (soil sample) needs and they need it for friday. I will send them the list of things they still asked and he was going to send this info today to them. So the date of the 17/09 can be kept (i’ll contact marcel today as well to get in contact with the owner)
  • they didn’t come back on the contract and didn’t bring it up for now as i don’t have too much concrete info at this point

I can actually make that date, if you need me to head over with the chainsaw (just in case there’s some extra cutting required for the truck to move about)…

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@els and I agree that that would be great :slight_smile: Thanks a lot! Sarah still has a key you can use? Els could go in the evening to lock the gate.