Stewarding the stewards - organising that enhances our capacity to care

To act effectively as stewards, we have to be able to steward ourselves.  This is not just about dealing with our physical needs as individuals - food, exercise, rest etc. It is about creating social architecture (frameworks, networks, structures, processes and practices) that holds us and supports us in the short and long term.  It is about re-imaging the way we organise so that we can collaborate and bring out the best in each other.

In this experimental, interactive and playful workshop we will explore the new rules of organising that bring out and enhance our capacity to care for our communities, for our planet and for each other. Bring your imagination and a willingness to be open and to contribute.

Date: 2014-10-25 10:30:00 - 2014-10-25 10:30:00, Europe/London Time.

Recommended readings?

Hi Patrick and thanks for proposing a session, what made you put this forward, perhaps an example you can share with us to go into the concrete?

Also, any recommended readings to start a conversation before we meet in Matera? The more we can prepare here, the better the outcome in our experience…

Recommended readings

Hi Noemi, I can think of several books - such as the Birth of the Chaordic Age by Dee Hock and Reinventing Organizations by Frederic Laloux. Will have a think about on-line and freely available stuff and post nearer the time. There’s a short article I wrote a couple of years ago here which might give some flavour.

I’ve been interested in group dynamics/ organisation structure stuff for some years.

I found this blog post very interesting and think it relates to this session.

Break Free from Our Systems Prison

If anyone is interested enough to have a bit of a longer read about these ideas the document linked from that blog post has moved and is now hosted here -

Document-Break Free from Our Systems Prison