STILL no info on opencare on the CAPSSI website

As far as  I remember we had submitted factsheet + presentation almost a year ago. What the hell.

Ping @LuceChiodelliUB

Capssi website

I have been sending the presentation 4 times in 2016, reminding people that it needed to be published online…

I can send again, when we’re back from the DSI fair.

@melancon @Alberto

Maybe bring it up at the CAPSSI fair itself?

Seems logical…

Yes, but the people participating to the fair are not the ones publishing online. So the info will still be lost somewhere in the pipes. We already experienced this when we met with the EC in Brussels.

The power of CC

Fabrizio would probably tell you “write to them with me in cc”, which is better than nothing. :slight_smile:

link to opencare

by the way there is already a link to opencare (landing page for opencare on, we are right now live-promoting the project at the DSI fair, no need for “what the hell”. :slight_smile:

You can’t blame it on Luce

Just to make sure your ping @LuceChiodelliUB does not suggest she should be held responsible for not having the proper documents on the CAPSSI website. She’s been struggling since about a year to get them through, but it’s just like there’s no one at the other end of the line. At one point it’s true I told her to just drop it. She took advantage of being at the DSI Fair in Rome to remind Loretta about it. Would be great since I feel many people will want to reach for info on opencare after the DSI Fair.


Why would I? I remember well as she took care of this last year. I am unimpressed at the style of working on these institutional websites. It goes in bursts, they ask you for a lot of stuff, but as soon as the launch event or whatever is gone they seem to lose interest. Pity.