While I’m writing this new post the italian earth still trembles…!!!
In the Emilia Romagna Region, in the nordth of the Italy, are very bad moments. Continuous tremors terrorize all the people and all the Italy are trying to help this piece of land. But the question is: “how they are trying to help them?!”
I’m an expert of this situation, because as a voluntary I did the Molise earthquake and Abruzzo eartquake and I saw many problemes during this moments and I would to speak here and in the conference in june (if is possible… :D) to think a way to emprove the situation during this bad moment…
I understand about my experience that one problem of the people is that they lose all the comunication with the rest of the word. many people try to call the friends and parents immediatly after the first tremor and so all the lines are overload. Then after two or three hours all the mobile are dead and so everything need to recharge the mobile and so they need of the electrician.
Then many people call and ask all and nothing because at the beggining there is a lot of panic and confusion… who ask an house, who ask a bed, who ask to enter own house, who ask where they should to go, who ask to call, who ask where are theyr parents, who ask to eat, who ask the sheets, who ask dress, who ask to speak with the major, who ask to speak with theadministration, the firefighters and so and so… and all the people have many problems!
So I thoughtk that the priority is the possibility to call in every time! And so I thought to built a page or a forum but inside the website of the city and this space start oly when there are an emergency. This page could have many pages as the page of the comunications (major, Protezione Civile, doctors, policy, fireflighters, and so and so…), the page to write help about the house, the people, dress, eat and so and so. It will be to have a page with the progects or the events to help. To built a task force to help to rebuilt…
Thus my idea was to think a instrument useful to help the cityzens, the administraction, the protezione civile, law enforcement, the firefighters after 5 minuts of the eartquake and also after months of the event,
Many time, after 5 days of the terrible moments, all forget the situation and they abandon these lands… and so la possibility to have every time a site where to work continuosly to help the people for me it will be very right…
These is only a my idea and if someone would to speak, for me it’s ok.