Story of Edgeryders @GraspCopenhagen

I have been given the opportunity to share the story of the edgeryders community at seventh annual conference held by GRASP - Romania Project 2020 at Copenhagen

I would like to take this opportunity and engage Edgeryders community in my experience with the community on building a mechanism to strengthen community infrastructure …

GRASP is a non profit Organization that actively contribute to changing Romania through civic engagement, improving public policies, transfer of knowledge and know-how. The agenda of the conference, is planned to have a combination of workshops, presentations, and panel discussions for three days. In which on Saturday between 14 to 14:40 hours I will be giving a talk on Edgeryders and friends.

The audience of the gathering are interested in knowing examples from edgeryders regarding mechanisms to support community infrastructure. It would be more interesting to include live tweets from the edgeryders community about the conversation/discussions happening on the subject. At the same time I would like to invite you to share your thoughts on other aspects or questions you may find to be relevant.

I was thinking as Radio guy as I am :), I would be podcasting the talk on spreaker and shared on twitter, Whereas, I would like to ask the community in sharing about Edgeryders activities, especially in relation to LOTE 4 and UnMonastary on twitter stream with #GRASPCopenhagen edgeryders lote4 .

It would be helpful to share content with the audience about research, links,projects, campaigns by edgeryders in the past, present and future in relation to uncover how mechanisms are constructed within communities, what motivations do they nurture, and how do they maintain a certain organizational/community culture.

I will be delivering a presentation on my experience with edgeryders in pursuing transfer of knowledge and know-how, commitment, community engagement and building assets. (this is a work in progress presentation, )

Im thinking the flow of the session can be like, In the beginning 5 mins of the talk I will share my personal experience in how I became more conscious of taking actions., followed by questions and answers and edgeryders feedback reading from twitter -


Good to be in touch and let me know how it goes…

From my past experiences at Grasp conferences they’re not so fond of documentation and live tweeting, but of course it’s not too late to start a tradition, so I’ll have tweets up for Saturday.

Looked through the presentation and made small edits - “unMonastery” is the right spelling of the word… Also, you might want to check these presentations as inspiration: one from me, one from Nadia. The Edgeryders logo files are here, should you need them.

PS There’s friends from Cluj traveling there, Andi, Ioana & Co. you should hook up with them, very friendly people.

Updated and ready for UnSession :)!

Thanks Noemi for the quick check and suggestions

I was myself wanted to see and experience what kind of crowd it is and you were right.

Therefore, I changed most of the presentation , have a look and tweet about things i have missed on the presentation edgeryders #GRASPCopenhagen
