On call July 12th: Alberto, Andrei, Auli, Noemi, Pavlik, Ben, Ksenia, Matthias, Dorotea
First of all, I’m soo happy to see the number of people attending the calls is growing! This makes summing up a bigger challenge, but to keep it short, it’s been agreed to:
Tighten up work and communication around Lote and unMonastery. Lote is the only thing happening in the unMonastery space until its launch in February 2014, so we need to build continuity between the two, and integrate unMonastery-related calls or news into powerful devices for Lote. eg: HOT NOW! Help review design plans for the unMon building where Lote is taking place: how should the space be like?
Awaiting: list of tasks that unMonastery management team needs help with (to be posted by Ben) and a communications release plan so we can help spread the word.
Create a Social Media Team as a lightweight distributed effort to multiply engagement around Lote. For this to happen we need to first recruit a team leader who works closely with Noemi and possibly Auli to devise a strategy to drive engagement, registration to LOTE and traffic on the platform, craft “atoms of content” from the LOTE/Edgeryders/unMonastery experience that are amenable to resharing, and deploy appropriately the official Edgeryders Facebook and Twitter presence. Call to find that person coming up soon.
Proposal for next Friday Community Call, July 19th, 11 AM CET
(Anything else you would like to see discussed just post it in the comments below)
- Discuss The Guide to Making Meaningful Projects Happen, exactly what can be in it? Ben brought up the Stone Soup and recipe metaphors. We could look at the Guide as a sort of recipe book, with tracks as recipe categories or outlines and recipes/tools added by everyone.
2. Discuss how we arrive at a high level description of the Lote program and how we recruit track coordinators. Background is in Alberto’s proposal awaiting feedback.
As you might know already, there is a weekly newsletter sent Wednesdays to everyone coming to Lote, to keep you informed and remind you of the Friday calls. If you are up for taking a Lote task or have ideas about what needs to be done but don’t want to work alone, get in touch by commenting here and Auli will make sure it goes into the newsletter. I agree with Pavlik: for every task better to be at least two of us on it!