In attendance: @SamMuirhead, @K, @Ben, @Noemi
Turns out that if each of us gets their heads out of the sand and start a thinking a process to see where we can get some bandwidth and raise the stakes for each of these three projects, we might be able to birth new collaborations.
Top priority on our list is to communicate the high level overview and actionables for each project to allow more edgeryders community members to get involved. There’s tons of opportunities, we need to make them legible and actionable.
Futurespotters actionable (Noemi): Calling all edgeryders to peek into and join the twitterstorm this Monday 11 am cet, where in only 1 hour you can meet peers in Georgia, Armenia, Egypt and learn what is literally the most interesting stuff happening at the edges in the region. How to join the storm?
- One page where you can pick up tweets and RT (updated with tweets ahead of Monday)
- Live coordination chat room!!
Can unMonasterians mobilize to tweet some of their insights to futurespotters? The context being that we’ve presented unMon at workshops in Cairo, Yerevan, Tbilisi and more than a few eyebrows were raised.
unMonastery actionable (Ben)
What’s missing now from communications point of view? Current posts in the unMonastery group are a mix of internal developments and processes and coordination with Edgeryders, but particularly the company. Lacking are general, short and sweet updates for the broader ER audience.
- Ben to draft a blog post on unMonastery recent developments and plans for May, June, July in calendar style, with one paragraph description of the event, who’s doing what and how can community members get involved.
Try to answer the question: What would members such as futurespotters be interested to read? Is something relevant for them? The Georgia group are onto teaching people open source software and looking for collaborators! Some are especially interested to teach women how to code, is there a way the Open Tech School in Matera bake something into this or learn from them?
Viral Academy actionable (Ksenya):
-the Viral Academy project as it is currently being developed is about creating the methodology to empower groups to take it up and build on it; VA needs a pilot, people wanting to skill share. Hey, @ericbarnett in Georgia is thinking along similar lines, but missing the students-become-teachers element to go viral, could that be an opportunity?
- The upcoming VA writeups aimed at presenting an overview of what work is being done and what the team's concrete aims are in the near future. A clear call to action is needed to start moving towards making connections with the wider ER and implementation. (Noemi to help flesh out the call)
- Ksenya to present Viral Academy in next week's community call. All welcome!
P.S. Perhaps Ben, K or your crowds could consider making an appearance in Tbilisi, June 25-28 for Futurespotters International event? We’re doing it the usual style: 2 conference days+ 2 unconference days, where you could take the opportunity to present the unMon legacy and create bonds between VA and interested groups.