Summary of community call Friday Sep 20th

In attendance: Dorotea, Michael, K, Noemi, Alex Rulkens, Massimo Santi, Stefano, David, Alberto.

It was great to see both familiar faces and new faces, here’s what we discussed and agreed on, any suggestions welcome:

unMonastery press conference Monday 11 am CET (#unMon)

Two press releases have been sent to the media: Italian press release, English press release. The idea for the conference is to cut down press release into tweets, find relevant tags to them and keep them 10 characters shorter 140 so people can retweet and add comments. And translate tweets into their own language!


Noemi to set up event page for unMonastery for Monday 11 am: twitterers follow live the press conference!

- Ben, Fabio and core group to write the tweets in the spreadsheed rather than crowdsource, others will pick up from twitter;  We need about four major tweets: about unMonastery, about LOTE, how you apply for unMon, things like those.

- We also need good visuals, anyone?

lote3 New roles : looking for bloggers, facilitators, documenters

In reference to former community calls, I had built a wiki trying to outline some of the roles: /t/making-lote3/360/lote3-new-roles-looking-for-bloggers-facilitators-documenters An observation was made we don’t need to aggressively recruit, for example documenters will probably self select from the group of people attending a session, but if anyone wants to step in before they should be able to do so… as a way to include more people in building Lote.

@ [Ben]: perhaps you can help further flesh this out, if it fits with your idea of recruiting facilitators? or do you need a separate post ? Let me know if I can help!

Shorten LOTE : 31st October - 3rd November

2 days conference: Thursday + Friday, Track 1 and Track 2 in parallel

- 2 days unConference: Saturday+ Sunday, Track 3

It’s been discussed in our community calls for a while now: and finally we decided it could be better to shorten the conference, mainly for program-related reasons: why? it keeps people more focused, it avoids the “shopping basket” effect, make sure people are drawn to the whole package of sessions, thus increasing the randomness of meeting each other. People can hang out in Matera for longer anyway if they so wish. Formally, a shorter conference also lowers the individual costs of booking in Matera.

Actionables: Noemi to communicate this when reaching out to people asking: “are you really coming? here’s what happens and when”. (we agreed communicating change in duration of Lote is not an issue, don’t need to make a big fuss, but it will be reflected in the final program).

Alex thinks it’s important to get the content of the sessions clear asap and really create a programme so others know what to expect: build it into a grid or a spreadsheet. It’s a matter of getting to a design of the programme, but also adding programme descriptions on other Lote pages in the minisite, Massimo mentioned it would be good for ppl who don’t know anything about the conference

Actionable: Noemi + Dorotea to add a description of the program on the other Lote pages

@ [thereallex] it would be great if you followed up with design ideas on good visualizations (nb: drupal not great with buttons, referencing need for buttons for each track)

Hi Noemi,

Hi [Noemi],

Can I help with :" - We also need good visuals, anyone?"

What kind of visuals exactly do you need?

Visuals to accompany tweets

Hi Rita :slight_smile:

We’re been discussing with [Ben] and [Ola Moller], designer of unMonastery visuals up to date, and agreed to put some of the most interesting textual content in pictures, so that it’s most catchy to the eye. eg: “unmonastery as a space for radical innovation” Another idea surfacing has been to include photos with the URL for unmonastery website in them, rather than adding the URL in the tweets (it just takes up space and it’s a bit of a hassle)… I don’t know where exactly they are with this, and if they need further help, if anything they know where to find you now.

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