Summary of unMonastery Community Call #3

Today’s call was characterised by friendship, clarity and unSaints. The call was aimed at firming up the unMonastery track for LOTE3 and the press conference. This summary is very brief overview with action points – since this is the 3rd in a week. Last two posts are here:



Present were: Alberto Cottica, Nadia. Bembo Davies, Dorotea Mar, David Ridge and myself.

Going forward unMonastery community calls will be 11AM CET Mondays every week - LOTE3 community calls will be on Fridays.

Points covered in the call were as follows.

The unMonastery Track, Session Proposals - LOTE:

·         Bembo is taking the lead in facilitating the hosting team, which will provide the backbone of the unMonastery day and to some degree the overall event – himself and others will be arriving in Matera early to get preparations underway.

Actionable: Bembo to write a post outlining the approach and where help is needed.

Actionable: Create a group on EdgeRyders to pull together plans and get others involved.

·         David Ridge volunteered himself to join the hosting team.

·         The idea of Mini Workshops came up – the concept being that everyone coming to LOTE has a 4-5 minute workshop they can share/teach with others. Whether this is a feature of the overall LOTE is up for debate. But this could serve 2 functions; 1) give everyone a role, 2) produce an amazing set of content that can be shared online.

·         An idea for centering the unMonastery track is to have a set of protagonists, who perhaps hold roles within the unMonastery, Bembo suggested Alberto is analogous to a saint of the unMonastery, an unSaint. Demarking individuals with specific roles would potentially make them approachable and the existing structure of unMonastery transparent on the day – having a set of unfulfilled roles could also be an interesting method of recruitment.  The function of idea is similar NPCs in computer games: (NPC’s of the unMonastery?)

·         Suggested formatting for session proposals is this:


(but Bembo commented that they could be sexier):


·         Ben to more closely co-ordinate with Andrea.

·         First set of international call applications to be processed this week.

Communication and Promotion of unMonastery & LOTE3:

·         Basic approach to promoting the project is being discussed here: /t/unmonastery/315/circulating-unmonastery-lets-push-things-forward

·         The Twitter Conference, we discussed on the last call has been fleshed out significantly – we’ve pencilled in the 16th of September as the date. This will be covered in a separate post soon.

·         If you’d like to get involved with the planning or help build the press pack, Nadia created a workspace here: /t/unmonastery/315-pr-pack

Hopefully this covers everything. Lots of things need doing, dive in? And please highlight anything I may have missed.

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Good one!

Wow, there sure seems to be progress, and especially good to see the number of people involved in building the track is growing!

About session proposals format, I think Sam’s on video documentation is great because the UpSkilling track where it belongs is much more underdeveloped at basic level than the unMon, so you need to explain the rationale and how you’d go about working in the session. But for unMonastery track these proposals can indeed be shorter, there is a much larger shared interest already, most LOTErs know the background. The only thing is that the list of proposals in this track seems to have gone missing from the program page, and currently there is no overview where people can choose to join a session or propose a new one… Should we work on this?