T-shirts 4 Open Communication

T-shirts 4 Open Communication

Main aspect of this project is to create an environment that deaf people can open up to the world through T-shirts…

More people use T-shirts, deaf people have a voice. This is also an awareness project about the isolation the deaf people. Because only friend’s t-shirts can capture the sign language. (through the gloves)

Where did you get the idea?

Hi @wave how’s it going? I don’t think we’ve met yet, I’m Noemi one of the Edgeryders community managers. Thanks for taking so much time to read and post here on the platform, even though I’ve been traveling and couldn’t react, definitely catching interest.

So what’s your story, how did you become interested in pretty cool ideas like the T shirts?

is there anymore on this?

Hi @wave @Noemi, is there any further development with the T-shirts?. A unique idea. Just wondering