Talk about the planning with the architects

Hi @Lee @alberto

Her a poll to set a date to meet with the architects to talk about the planning. I would prefer to do this IRL at their office , but lets see what the poll says…

  • Tuesday 14/01 17:30 online
  • Tuesday 14/01 17:30 bureau S&F
  • Friday 17/01 17:30 online
  • Friday 17/01 17:30 bureau S&F
  • Monday 20/01 17:30 online
  • Monday 20/01 17:30 bureau S&F
  • Tuesday 21/01 17:30 online
  • Tuesday 21/01 17:30 bureau S&F
  • Wednesday 22/01 17:30 online
  • Wednesday 22/01 17:30 bureau S&F
0 voters

@Lee @alberto @joannes : meeting with the architects about the planning is set to next Tuesday 14/01


in person or online?

in person, so at bureau of stekke and fraas

I’ve been doing some literature search and found a well-received book on Construction Management. It is available under Creative Commons. Bingo!

Project management for construction (and deconstruction) – Fundamental concepts for owners, engineers, architects, and builders Hendrickson, Haas, Au – 2024, ISBN 978-1-7383557-0-9

There’s a chapter on construction planning.

I fear making things unnecessarily complicated. However, there’s a huge body of knowledge on Construction Management that we should not ignore.

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The more the know, the better, and at the same time I think it’s important to be mindful of the limited time and resources we have to get the urgent things done.

For this meeting with the architects, I would prefer to take a hands-on approach, and if this can be accepted (I already discussed it with @els, who will not be joining), I would like to take the lead. Would that work?