Talk to me about

Remi: Language skills for victimes of potential victims of…

… human trafficking to help them fight back in any country they don’t know the language of.

Sharing food you know you don’t need for the people who…

…need it the most by installing deveral public fridges in the streets throughout the city!

Dion: The feasibility of applying…

…community based actions (+ mapping) + natural disaster preparedness fo conflict risk reduction.

Maintaining grassroots movements…

… and keeping them from burning out.

Taking charge of fairness for ourselves

Enhancing collaboration skills

Collaboration and sharing are the master technology, the main tool for the 99%. I am interested in how to develop ourselves into better collaborators. I have a hunch that this happens at the community level, by adopting interaction rules, rather than at the individual level.

Great thread

Soul of wit & oblique strategies :slight_smile:

Support for Social Enterprise ideas in Georgia

Hi all

For those in Georgia with existing Social Enterprises, or ideas on start ups, there is this competition launched:

Also - try contacting the British Council. They have had an interest in supporting SE in Georgia for some years now :slight_smile: