Team biweekly 29/6 Agenda

Hi all,

since we skipped the last biweekly, let’s meet this Wednesday for a short catch up.
I would also like to propose to meet at 16h instead of 17h because @ivan and I are attending a course starting at 17h. Would this work for everyone? @alberto @matthias @hugi @martin @nadia @Nica ?

Below is the proposed agenda. If you have more specific things you want to talk about please edit directly.


  • final impact conference
  • Graphryder development? @hugi


  • updates on onboarding events and related activities
  • contract addenda
  • General Assembly this Thursday


  • coming up: audit in Brussels

See you!



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Hi all! I can pop in for about 10-15 minutes but I have another meeting, for a journal I edit, from 16.00 to 17.00 that I can be a little late to but not miss entirely.

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