Team building : during august

hi @reef-building ,
a summary before I leave for a month…

  • soil sample (Verbeke): see this post: Soil samples - #18 by els
    the only ‘urgent thing to do’ is check their calendar from august 12th onwards to set a date. The link to their calendar is in the last mail Verbeke send us (folder ‘other building stuff’ in proton mailbox) => i think sophie said she was going to take that up?
    They wrote to the architects themselves to ask all info they needed. If we have a date set: put it in the doc ‘questions for architects’ (as an info for them, see last point in the post)
  • meeting with architects end of august/september. I am back end of august (28th) and will propose them to have a meeting the first week of september. Could you give me your availability for that week (sarah, i know you’re still away that week). If they contact us sooner: i am free every evening from 17:00 onwards (except if there is a reef activity)
  • there is a list with questions for the architects that we will ask on that meeting or per mail: please complete if things are asked from plenaries, full members: Login – Nextcloud

that’s it i think…

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