Team Building: getting started

I addes some extra details to your good notes, well done @Sophie_Beese

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I can"t open it :confused: . Is it just me? Or is there a bug again?

Nope, it crashed again :frowning: but Julien was apparently able to open it… I’ll as Team IT once more.

I had the same problem yesterday, I can not get in it neither

Hello @reef-building,

Two questions:

  • When you are ready, can you please add the link to the documents about the scouting strategy to the agenda of the plenary, and then ping the Reeflings in the thread on the plenary?

  • When you have time, can you please write up the key points from the meeting with the architects? This is not super urgent of course, but it is part of our working methods around transparency, which is necessary to be able to work as a decentralised group.

Many thanks in advance!

Hey @Lee, I believe @Julien let people know in this post that the documents are ready. I can add them to the agenda tomorrow.
As for the minutes of our meeting with the architects, I added them to Team Building’s agenda and minutes document which I recovered, saved locally and all that (according to Alberto’s instruction) but which seems inaccessible again for some strange reason. Will also look into that tomorrow. (Julien was able to add his comments to my notes before it broke though.)

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@Lee Link is in the minutes

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Hi Sophie, can not open it but nothing to add from the meeting. Thanks

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Hi @reef-building and @Lee I tried to upload our minutes file once more, hope it works this time. @Julien very sorry but could you add your notes from the meeting with the architects once more? I could only restore the previous version…

@Sophie_Beese The only thing I can think about is the update of “Le programme” which is needed and can be discussed on plenary or on team building meeting.

Hello @reef-building, you’ve read this before, but I tried to recover our (now old) agenda and minutes document once more and created a new one - let me know if you can open them and - as usual - if you’d like to add anything to the agenda or change things around. See you all next Tuesday :slight_smile:


I can open it. I’ll try to do some Fiche reviews (if fiches are made) by then. It’s a week with the kids here and it’s quite busy.

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@alberto I think this is some kind of Spam

Yep. Deleted and blocked the IP. Sorry about that, it’s inevitable that someone gets through.

Hi, i can open it also, seb

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Hey :slight_smile:
I can read it but could you put the notes from the architect’s meeting in it?

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Hey @Sarah, they should be in the old version (right at the beginning of the document).

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Hey @reef-building, this is the - preliminary - schedule with our meetings (TBM = Team Building meeting) and the corresponding plenaries (P).

TBM Thursday 27 July (P Monday 31 July)

TBM Friday 18 August (P Tuesday 22 August)

TBM Monday 4 September (P Wednesday 6 September)

TBM Monday 25 September (P Thursday 28 September)

TBM Thursday 12 October (P Sunday 15 October)

TBM Thursday 2 November (P Monday 6 November)

TBM Friday 24 November (P Tuesday 28 November)

TBM Monday 18 December (P Wednesday 20 December)

Does that work for everyone? Maybe you can leave a comment if you can’t make it to one of the meetings until (and including) September to get an idea of how many people could make it.


I can’t make it on Friday 18 August. :wink:

Is the time of the meeting 7pm?
Also, also not available on the 18th; and on thurdays and fridays so october/november.