Ok I let it go for now then!
There is a fresh document in our folder (internal link)
Hello wonderful @reef-building (I see we have grown!), here is the draft agenda for our next meeting on Friday (3.11) at 6.30. Please add any points you’re missing. Also, if you can’t make it, please put your name under “excused” so we know whom to expect
@Sophie_B, I have prepared the draft agenda for the plenary meeting and I left a couple of placeholders for Team Building: progress update, evaluation and feasibility studies. Can you please have a look at it and amend it as you see fit? TIA!
Hello @reef-building,
Out of sheer curiosity I like to follow the fiches and the pre-feasibility studies, but sometimes I find it hard to find my way.
Would you be willing to consider to save a copy of the pre-feasibility studies in the respective sub-folders in the “fiches” folder? If you have the Nexctloud app on your personal computer, this can be as simple as copy/pasting the pre-feasibility studies (i.e. just adding a copy) to the fiches sub-folders. This way we get access to both the fiche, the address and the stuff from the pre-feasibility study, which makes it a lot easier to put all data together.
Also, on another topic: I see that the one @alberto and I found Jette is in the running for a feasibility study . Did we decide eventually on a symbolical prize for the finders of the winning site
Hey @Lee, I am struggling with even keeping the overview file up to date because the architects stopped sending us that little table with the ++ and --. Now their feedback mainly consists of a few lines in an email. @reef-building any thoughts on how to safe that information?
Hehe, for the price, we can pick that up at our next meeting (high importance item), had we not thought of a restaurant voucher? Will look into it
Something as simple as adding the sites’ number (e.g. AND-22 etc) to the names of the pre-feasibility studies would make things a lot easier for me. Happy to do that myself if you are ok with that (done already for the two that were saved without a name). Equally happy to copy/paste the pre-feasibility studies to the fiches sub-folders.
If that’s not workable for some reason, this is an example of the need I’m trying to address: I wanted to see if and how the Demosthene site could be divided in different plots. Finding the pre-feasibility study is easy if you know where they are saved, but then finding the address and the fiche is a bit challenging because you need to open all the sub-folders in the “fiches” folder. For Demosthene I now understand it was easy to find, but say if I’d like to know more about “buyck” I would have a lot of clicking to do.
Happy to talk and/or help if you like.
Actually with the revamped table, I don’t think that we need to keep some of the folders in the fiches folder. So I would say that when we receive a pre-feasibility study, instead of moving it to candidate for feasibility, we can move it to the appropriate site folder… Maybe we need to think in team building who does that job exactly?
Hey there @reef-building, here is the poll, as promised, to find a date to meet before/despite the Christmas/end of year madness (I’ve excluded the scouting/societé simple meeting day of 3/12 and the full members dinner day of 10/12)
A little question, in the calendar -if I remember well- there are 2 ‘team building’ meetings foreseen in december. The meeting linked to this poll, is it to replace one of those, both, or just an extra meeting?
Hey @els, good question - usually we have a meeting foreseen every three weeks just before the plenary. So the 18th stays - we just had to move our last meeting. @reef-building: the 8th it is
Pinging @SimonDelch - would you be available and happy to join Team Building?
Hello @reef-building,
As you may have heard the lovely @Sophie_B would like to let go of the Coordinator’s role, which leaves the question of who will be taking over from her.
In my capacity of “Reefling like any other” (so not as the group’s Coordinator) but also in my capacity of “Reefling who has invested an arm and a leg in this project” I find it important that Team Building gets a Coordinator who knows The Reef kind of inside out, who is familiar with the different sociocractic tools and also someone who has the time and energy to take on the role of Coordinator. This is important to me because Team Building is a “make or break” Team and we are nearing a point where some people are starting to get worried about whether we are going to make it or not.
For the moment there are not a lot of people who meet those criteria, and so what I would like to propose to you is that I would join your Team for a couple of months. The objective for me would be to join for as briefly a period as possible, and to use the time that I am a member to share what I learned about sociocracy, and to support everybody as much as possible, so that in a couple of months somebody will feel confident enough to take on the role of the Team’s Coordinator.
Discussing this online may not be the most efficient thing, so here’s what I would like to propose:
I join your next meeting, and we do a round to see whether you can consent to me joining or not; (if you’d like to discuss this privately before that, please feel welcome to send me a message on Signal)
If you consent to this, I would like to facilitate the meeting. Not as part of my “dominate the world” plan (I do have one though - I’m just kidding), but because I have followed a one-year sociocracy training, and I figure it can be interesting to share a bit of what I have learned.
If we’d do that, what I would propose is that we co-create the agenda. This doesn’t need to take long, but it can be a quite effective tool to get to an agenda that brings together the collective intelligence, and which meets everybody’s needs.
There is the draft agenda from the last meeting already, so that’s a great starting point. What we could add to that - for everyone to bring to the round whatever they please - is a list of all the issues that you would like to discuss in the next 2-3 meetings. This could be strategic things, action points, organisational points etc. We’ll throw 'm all together, put structure in it, prioritize them and then start tackling them one by one.
Maybe give me a if you can work with this and/or let me know what you think in the post below?
Works for me
I had a look at the agenda and added some ideas underneath, but actually I feel that some of it is rather urgent and should be added to the actual agenda.
How do we go about this? Will we co-create the agenda live? Are we gonna edit it before hand?
I’ll say my piece below about what I would like to see and why (not sure how to deal with this co-creating, sorry if I’m messing it up!)
I would suggest getting rid of one less urgent matter for now (the cobuyers question).
For the finding owners section, I don’t think it will actually take as long, because a lot of it will just be saying who takes what, and a quick feedback on whats ongoing, but I don"t think there will actually be much to discuss.
Also I would like to add at least 2 sections: one on searching online and one on our working process.
For the section about how to organise ourselves, I would like to add it because we have discussed it quite a bit lately, and we were thinking it could help us work more efficiently. If we decide to include it, in order to make the meeting most efficient, I thought I would summarize below some things that have been discussed here and there. It is only a conversation starter, everybody feel free to add to it.
Here it is:
See you friday!
That’s great @sarah, thanks a lot!
Co-creating an agenda can be done by a couple of quick rounds. We can collect all the items we would like to discuss in the next 2-3 meetings, and then group them and prioritise them. It will take up some meeting time, but to me the time is not lost. If it works (no guarantees ), it helps everybody to get an overview, and to get a say in what to discuss and prioritise.
Right, so I gather we prioritise points for the next 2-3 meetings, including the current one? So we might get a chance to talk about the points I mentionned on frudat if everybody agrees, or else if we decide it’s not so urgent then we move it to the next meeting. Heart me if I’m right, correct me if I’m wrong…
@Lee and @els we use this link tonight, sorry! https://jitsi.komuniki.fr/AgriculturalMasksCompromiseNicely
Hey @reef-building, I have added the questions/remarks to the architects in the (haha!) “questions to the architects” document (at the very end). Please add to it I’d be happy to send that message at the beginning of next week, unless @Sarah would like to officially take over
Don’t need to, no! But let me know if you need me to cover for you at any point!
Hola @Sophie_B, I am discovering this lessage right now !i will happily join team building if you have me in
Hello, Great! The next meeting is on the 18th (of December) and there will be a quick round to consent to you becoming a member