Team Building: getting started

Hello @Lea and @Aline_Jeandenans,

I see that you volunteered for reviewing the fiches, thanks a lot for that! There may not be much for the moment, but would you be willing to contact @Sophie_B to see whether and how you could be involved?


Welcome @Aline_Jeandenans to Team Building :slight_smile:


Hi team building and @Lee, I received an answer from Molenbeek , but it was very evasive… He said they are not into cohousing “for various reasons, primarily because there is not a legal framework for it yet”. And didn"t answer my question about whether it is worth us filling a permit at all…
I’m thinking that I’m gonna be a bit pushy and try to get a definitive answer whether or not we can try… But let me know if you have anything to add to the email (although personnally, I think we are more likely to get an answer if we ask just the one question, which in the end is the only one that matters…)

@Sarah on second thought I’m not so sure any longer. When I thought about Ilot Cacao (a Coarchi cohousing in M0lenbeek), I put in a Google search and it seems like there are a whole lot of cohousings in M0lenbeek. So either this is somebody talking out of their arse, or another possibility is that they are not keen to get more bobo’s écolos (because they are unlikely to vote socialist).

Hello @reef-building,

I looked at the minutes from the plenary meeting, and to be honest I’m not sure I am fully clear about the conclusion from the plenary meeting on the way forward.

@Sarah and @anon78992831, what was your take-away on this?

Also: are we clear on what it is that we need to do to be able to make some progress at the next plenary meeting, if possible taking a decision to send on a site for a feasibility study?

There are at least 2 recent rental cohousing in Molenbeek, managed by Urbani on Rue Picard and Chaussée de Gand. By the way, the political coalition is socialist + MR, the ecologists having been thrown out at the last municipal elections.

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@Lee @anon78992831 : are you saying that we go ahead anyway and take a chance? Shall I not even ask the question?

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My intuition would be to check with the architects, because they will be doing our PR with the permitting authorities. It’s not super urgent, and maybe we don’t want to risk to wake sleeping dogs? Just a suggestion.

On that topic: what’s the plan with the list of questions to the architects? Can I add some more?

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The idea is that we are waiting for 5 pre-feasibility that we sent last week. In the meantime, we have 10 more sites for which we will look for the owner “online”; hopefully we will have that done before we decide to send a new batch to the architects.
On the side of the feasibility studies, Seb started looking properly for the owner of one of them. For the two other ones, we found out that there is a permit recently delivered, so we are not sure if it is worth looking into them ; we sent an email to the architects about it. @anon78992831 : the sites are still in the “candidates for feasibility” file, but they have been sent to the archi right?

Apart from waiting for the architects, i don’t think there is much more we can do.
Actually, we should probably start looking (at least online) for the owners of the 5 sites we sent to the architects. Will add that to our list.

Ok I let it go for now then!

There is a fresh document in our folder (internal link)

Hello wonderful @reef-building (I see we have grown!), here is the draft agenda for our next meeting on Friday (3.11) at 6.30. Please add any points you’re missing. Also, if you can’t make it, please put your name under “excused” so we know whom to expect :slight_smile:

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@Sophie_B, I have prepared the draft agenda for the plenary meeting and I left a couple of placeholders for Team Building: progress update, evaluation and feasibility studies. Can you please have a look at it and amend it as you see fit? TIA!

Thanks @Lee, will do after the team meeting tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Hello @reef-building,

Out of sheer curiosity I like to follow the fiches and the pre-feasibility studies, but sometimes I find it hard to find my way.

Would you be willing to consider to save a copy of the pre-feasibility studies in the respective sub-folders in the “fiches” folder? If you have the Nexctloud app on your personal computer, this can be as simple as copy/pasting the pre-feasibility studies (i.e. just adding a copy) to the fiches sub-folders. This way we get access to both the fiche, the address and the stuff from the pre-feasibility study, which makes it a lot easier to put all data together.

Also, on another topic: I see that the one @alberto and I found Jette is in the running for a feasibility study :partying_face:. Did we decide eventually on a symbolical prize for the finders of the winning site :blush:?


Hey @Lee, I am struggling with even keeping the overview file up to date because the architects stopped sending us that little table with the ++ and --. Now their feedback mainly consists of a few lines in an email. @reef-building any thoughts on how to safe that information?
Hehe, for the price, we can pick that up at our next meeting (high importance item), had we not thought of a restaurant voucher? Will look into it :slight_smile:


Something as simple as adding the sites’ number (e.g. AND-22 etc) to the names of the pre-feasibility studies would make things a lot easier for me. Happy to do that myself if you are ok with that (done already for the two that were saved without a name). Equally happy to copy/paste the pre-feasibility studies to the fiches sub-folders.

If that’s not workable for some reason, this is an example of the need I’m trying to address: I wanted to see if and how the Demosthene site could be divided in different plots. Finding the pre-feasibility study is easy if you know where they are saved, but then finding the address and the fiche is a bit challenging because you need to open all the sub-folders in the “fiches” folder. For Demosthene I now understand it was easy to find, but say if I’d like to know more about “buyck” I would have a lot of clicking to do.

Happy to talk and/or help if you like.


Actually with the revamped table, I don’t think that we need to keep some of the folders in the fiches folder. So I would say that when we receive a pre-feasibility study, instead of moving it to candidate for feasibility, we can move it to the appropriate site folder… Maybe we need to think in team building who does that job exactly?

Hey there @reef-building, here is the poll, as promised, to find a date to meet before/despite the Christmas/end of year madness :wink: (I’ve excluded the scouting/societé simple meeting day of 3/12 and the full members dinner day of 10/12)

  • 1.12 7pm
  • 2.12 10am
  • 2.12 3pm
  • 2.12 7pm
  • 4.12 7pm
  • 5.12 7pm
  • 6.12 7pm
  • 7.12 7pm
  • 8.12 7pm
  • 9.12 7pm
  • 11.12 7pm
  • 12.12 7pm
  • 13.12 7pm
  • 14.12 7pm
0 voters
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A little question, in the calendar -if I remember well- there are 2 ‘team building’ meetings foreseen in december. The meeting linked to this poll, is it to replace one of those, both, or just an extra meeting?

Hey @els, good question - usually we have a meeting foreseen every three weeks just before the plenary. So the 18th stays - we just had to move our last meeting. @reef-building: the 8th it is :slight_smile:
Pinging @SimonDelch - would you be available and happy to join Team Building?