Team Building meetings: debrief and preparing the next one

Thanks @Sarah for the sumup !

About @Lee 's task to finish the table : I said I would help her to create a FS’tab, I m on it this weekend.


Hello @reef-building,

I have prepared a first draft of the agenda for the meeting of next Tuesday (20/02). I don’t have a precise overview on where we are with some items, so I made a list that you can then use or not use, as you see fit.

I won’t be there at the meeting, but @els and I are briefly meeting tomorrow to ensure maximum continuity.

Here’s an overview point by point:

Sites to discuss

4 sites are flagged in the table => @sarah could you prepare the question to the round for each of them?

FS: next steps

The objective of this point would be to list in a couple of bullet points what will need to be done when the FS come in, and who will take care of it.

Where to scout

@anon78992831 and @Caro, would you be willing to start a new thread and (at some point) report on where you are with this? I saw a link to the Google Maps experiment, so it thought it would be nice if this could be retrievable on the forum.

Eventually I would like to get to a point where we have an inventory of the zones, neighbourhoods and/or streets that we need to scout, including the zones that haven’t been scouted well.

Scouting strategy #2

Eventually I would like to get to a point where we can present a fully fledged plan to the plenary meeting, including the inventory of what needs to be scouted, and a proposal on how we can get as much scouting as possible with as little frustration as possible.

I’m not sure even getting started on this is in the cards for this meeting, but if you can, I would propose that you see whether it makes sense to create a little helping circle that can prepare something for the next meeting.

PFS process

@Sophie_B and @Sarah, if you would have something to share, can you please add it to the agenda? If not, feel free to scrap the point, but then let’s try to reach consent at the next Team Building meeting at the latest. Would that work?

Le programme: report on the survey

@Sarah there is a link in the agenda, but it doesn’t work. Could you please have a look?

Also: would you be ok to provide a quick report to the meeting?

Online scouting

@els, many thanks for the short report (linked in the agenda)! Up to you to see whether this needs meeting time, or whether the report is enough for now.

In any case: yay for “plan-do-measure”!

Debriefing from the Coordination Group

The full minutes are quite comprehensive (the link is in the agenda), but here are my key take-aways:

  • Team Finance: a loooot of things going on, on statutes and on budget

  • Team Governance: voting manual is in the making

  • Coordinator, Secretary, Team Community and Team Support: regular reports, no real highlights.

  • Coordination Group review: there are meeting notes, but I can’t find them. The executive summary is that we will try to improve the scheduling of the meetings (pre-planned dates), and it won’t be exclusive for Team Coordinators any longer (any Team member who can efficiently report back-and-forth is welcome). We also want to try inviting non-reporting Reeflings (just for the sake of transparency and shared ownership), though setting a maximum number of participants of six per meeting.

Fiche Factory

I listed the following points as things that could be discussed, but up to you of course to see how you want to tackle this:

  • Complete the list of people taking responsibility

  • Planning how to tidy up tabs 2 and 3a

  • Create clarity about tab 3b

  • Agree on how to copy information from one tab to another

  • Discuss what works well and what could be improved

I regret that I can’t be there, but it can’t be helped. Here are a couple of things that I would like to say about this topic:

  • I can see that the current state of the file is sub-optimal to say the least, and I’m open to any suggestion to improve this situation. Personally I think that much of the problems would get solved if we could do the following:

    • Delete the columns that can be deleted (grey text)

    • Agree on a solution for the copy/pasting from data from one tab to another: abondon the automatic copying, so that the tabs 3a, 3b and 4 don’t need all these rows?

    • Finalise the little manual that I created (internal link)

  • I’d also be open to the idea to give up on the different tabs (although I would advise against it), and to go back to an Excel file with about 100 columns.

  • What I would like to achieve is that we get to a table that is easy to read and easy to sort, and that will allow us to quickly identify the sites that we could reconsider. Any way to achieve this is fine with me.


I have updated the usual document (internal link).
We decided at the last meeting that these were going to be taken up by the point personns for each step.
@els and @Sophie_B : can you look at the sites under “screening”, and discuss with the screeners to see what the issue was, and whether it needs to be discussed as a team? And then have somebody prepare a briefing for the team meeting with the discussion points?
(very sorry, I should have done this earlier, as you might not have time to move ahead with this now… Mea culpa)
@anon78992831 : I think Mol-21 was put by you? Do you prefer this to be discussed as a team, or is it for the point person(s) for PFS (Caro)?
Ber-09: does anybody know what is up with this one? What is the question? :sweat_smile:

Done! :white_check_mark:

Also done! And yes.

You do sound like you are open to that! :sweat_smile: :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:
With all the work that has been put into it, and the fact that it puts a lot of structure to the process, personaly I think that’s indeed not the best course of action to let go of the new system. We can make it work.


Hi @reef-building , MOL-21 seems to me to expensive (3,5M), BER-09 may be to small (1517m2) ? Bonne journée !


Ok thanks! So you want us to discuss it tomorrow then? Can you make sure we have data to look at (like maps for instance, or whatever could help the discussion)? Thanks!

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hi @reef-building
concerning the action point ’ prepare a manual on scouting strategy for next plenary (Caro and Seb)’ (discussed on tonights team building meeting)
=> I might have been a bit unclear about that. I meant prepare the strategy, discuss in team building and then go to the plenary. (not go straight away to the next plenary which is next Tuesday).

so next Team building (04/03): proposal with goal to consent on it and then on the plenary of the 19/03, proposal to all reeflings.


hi @reef-building

Prepared the agenda for our meeting on monday 04/03. :
Please indicate if you cannot make it.

ps discovered that Lie’s role as coordinator/facilitator was till 08/02 and then the goal was to startup the selection process. I personally don’t know what that exactly means (if sb can forward me a link to a document explaining this…) I left this for next meeting (21/03)


Thanks so much @els!

It’s my amazing counting skills at work again :sweat_smile:. When we said this, we said “in three months”, which would have been some time in March, but definitely not the beginning of February. So all good: let’s do a review and selection process at the meeting of 21/03.

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My fault, I remember I was the one making the report. Figures sometimes get mixed up in my head, should have been 08/03 probably…

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Hi Team Building ! Cannot make it for the meeting tonight, sorry :roll_eyes:

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Hi @reef-building
The minutes for tonight’s meeting are available in our usual doc. Below the actions points:

  • Define next steps for JET-14 (Caro, Lie)
  • Add the margin question (10 vs 15%) to the list of questions for notary (Lie); send questions to Lie if we have more (TB)
  • FM to decide on continuing the process for JET-14 despite potential costs (Lie)
  • Look at sites currently sent to the architects and prioritise (Sarah)
  • Scouting strategy: proposal for review in a week, finalise for plenary 19/3 (Caro, Seb, Lie)
  • Save questions for the review meeting in the “architects’ communication” doc (Sarah)
  • Post about future meetings with architects (online vs IRL) (Lie)
  • Cancel next scouting day (Els)
  • Post on le programme (Sarah) + inform team R and O (Lie)
  • Post on the PFS proposal (Sophie)
  • Finish fiche factory + manual (Els+ Sarah)
  • Add to backlog: common spaces, review of how things are going (Els)

@els : can you confirm that the minimum price would be 4400euros/m2 with 8 extra units? (not including a sponsoring option as we said that is probably unlikely)

A note that I have added the points that we want to discuss with the architects to our usual document. I have put it in a specific section, and I think we will need to go through the current list of questions ahead of the meeting, to select the ones that are still relevant and urgent.


hi sarah,

  • yes adding 8 extra units would come down to 4406 euro/m2

This includes:

  • 8 extra unites of 90 m2 in average
  • a proportional increase of ‘dégagements et noyau’
  • (a proportional increase of caves and terraces. This later shouldn’t matter as they are options and are not included in the calculation of the average price/m2)

This doesn’t include

  • an increase in the common spaces like kitchen,… (the 10% of the total, here the 122m2)
  • an increase of parkings (which shouldn’t matter neither as it is an option). It is not clear though for me what is in the ‘underground part’. If you look at the excel you would think ‘caves’ and ‘parkings’, but that would mean that one parking spot is 66 m2, which cannot be correct. So there might be something common underground (bike sheds,…) which probably should be increased with the number of units.

Wow, thanks for that action points list and sum of the calculations on the extra !!

Quick remark on the parking spots : thought this os an option for us, legally (RRU obligation) we’re obliged to plan 1parking/housing unit, which can be reasonably negotiated woth the Commune to 0,5/housing unit, but I’m afraid they want accept less.

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For me the question is - as Manual raised it - can we sell the parking units that we don’t need for internal use to non reeflings? are we allowed to do that/are we willing to do that? This would mean that we might only need to prefinance it…


Yes I think he said technical bits and a bike space

Indeed… The question though is still how do we finance building it before we sell it…
I think that was on the radar of @reef-finance at some point, but it might indeed need to come back to the more current list of topics to look at?

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And that looks already like a stretch! It would mean the cheapest unit to be 4K x m2 (at -10%), and the most expensive one 4.8K x m2 (at +10%). So I guess this site, with 21% VAT, is out of range regardless of how much we negotiate.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Team Building meeting schedule (proposal)

Hello @reef-building,

I have prepared a draft agenda for the next meeting and I’d be grateful for your feedback.

One key point would be to select the next Coordinator, another - for me - would be to get full clarity on the Fiche Factory: 1) how does it operate / can we finalise this? and 2) where do we stand, which are the most promising sites that are next?

@sarah would it be feasible for you to present these two points on the Fiche Factory?

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Hi @reef-building
We established tonight that there has been a bit of a misunderstanding, as I will not be available on thursday, which means that nobody can present the fiche factory.
And selecting a new coordinator would also require more people to be available…

So the idea would be to move it to next week, if that’s doable. So can everyone re-enter their availabilities in the poll? It’s possible to go back to the voting section and update your availabilities.

It’s indeed on my list of things to do, I hope I can do that this weekend


Hi @reef-building ,

Sarah and myself worked on the Fiche Factory the last few weeks.
Here is the result:

If you don’t have time to read the whole manual: try at least to read

  1. Overall process for the Fiche Factory
  2. The text linked to the tab you are responsable of or that you think you will mainly take up (e.g. scoring, looking for owner,…)

See you on Wednesday!