Team check in, Brussels 28/09/20

With @nadia, @marina, @bojanbobic, @ivanc


The next biweekly meeting will be dedicated entirely to POPREBEL.

In the meantime, we will prepare an open call for journalists in Serbia, Poland and Czech Republic to produce interviews and reportages on the field on the Security vs. Freedom topic.

@bojanbobic will produce the call by the end of this week.

Meetings and Administration

@bojanbobic and @ivanc will set up a template for the Edgeryders events and meetings reporting check and work on its

This will simplify the check by comparison of the reports and keep our time tracking in order.

On a Monday before the biweekly H2020 meeting @ivanc will post on the platform the call for the following one with the specific topic of the meeting and/or the following questions for the participants:

  • What have you delivered recently?

  • What do you need help with?

  • What are your next deadlines?

The team leaders and project managers should synthetically respond to the questions providing the effective Agenda.

Notes and minutes will be posted on the platform.