Team Community life - getting started

Inaugurating a new thread for @reef-communitylife :hugs: :people_hugging:

So we need to gear into action about a few things, namely:

  • social events for the onboarding of the next wave of reeflings
  • wider community socials
  • potential cohousing visits
    Anything else?

We could start with a little brainstorm during dinner tomorrow about ideas for having a good variety of social events (I’m thinking we need to include family-friendly events for instance).
And we can briefly discuss how to split the “work”?


Hello @reef-communitylife,

From our schedule it seems like we’ll have a little gap in between plenary meetings between 15/09 and 15/10. Given that we’ll have a presentation on 12/09 I was wondering whether you would be willing to set up a social event in between these days? It can be really small and simple, and you can of course also just ask someone else to organise something, but it would be great if someone could pick a date and make it known. Would that work?

Hi Lie, thanks for reaching out!
On 22 September there is Car Free Sunday so I think that is an ideal day to do something in Jette. I have a few ideas:

  • We could meet for lunch/picknick @Parc Baudouin, and those who have a game, could bring it to play in the park.
  • Another place where we could meet is MONA, which is an old monastery in Jette, next to Place Miroir, that is occupied by Toestand vzw. Toestand does a lot of activities there, but they don’t have a calender yet with their activities in September. I will keep an eye on it.

I could already make a post about a next social event on 22 September, and mention these possibilities and then we can decide soon what we exactly do. This way, people could already block their agendas if they feel like joining.


Sounds like a great plan. Thanks a lot!

Hi @reef-communitylife !

On Sunday I talked to an exploring member who’s son is a games enthusiast!

Here are some suggestions that he made for playing in big groups. Should we look into it?

Voici le résultat de mon enquête sur les jeux pour grands groupes

  • Loups garous : un joueur peut ĂŞtre Ă©liminĂ© dès le 1er tour = frustrant

  • « 2 rooms and a boom « 10 Ă  30 joueurs, 20 minutes : aussi un jeu d’intrigues mais sans Ă©limination en cours de jeu.
    Nécessite d’avoir accès à 2 pièces séparées.
    Petit jeu = 1 paquet de cartes, 14 €.

  • Wavelength chez AsmodĂ©e annoncĂ© pour 2 Ă  12 joueurs mais en fait jouable Ă  beaucoup plus, 30 Ă  45 minutes.
    Règles ultra simples. Ok pour ceux qui ont peu d’expérience des jeux de société.
    2 Ă©quipes = les plus timides peuvent prendre leur place progressivement.
    Super pour appréhender le système de références de chacun. Une équipe doit interpréter un indice fourni par l’autre tandis que celle-ci tente de la déstabiliser.
    Excellent jeu de teambuilding.
    Inconvénients : plus volumineux, plus coûteux (une quarantaine d’euros).


Hi @reef-communitylife and @Dave_behave,
here is a poll to organize a meeting. We need to organize the weekend and the signing of the acte rather sooner than later so let’s try to fix a date soonish? :slight_smile:

  • Sunday evening 1 December
  • Monday evening 2 December
  • Thursday evening 5 December
  • Saturday evening 7 December
  • Not available (I will suggest some dates below)
0 voters

Sorry, not much available :-/
And not actually available before Monday 9th, and then the weekend of the 14th/15th :-/
I’m happy for you guys to meet without me though!
On the 2nd I could potentially join in for 30mn or so, but I won’t be available for a full meeting…
(I don’t think Chris will answer as he is not part of the team anymor…)

Are you available at Monday 9 or Tuesday 10 @Dave_behave @Sarah? I think it would be good if we could meet before the signing of the acte in Namur, even if it is only for an hour or so online…

Yes, as I said available on the 9th! Not the 10th though…

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Ok 9 is good!

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