Team External: all hands on deck

Thanks Joannes. I will send you a message on Signal before coming.

@manuelpueyo I ran out of flyers, so Iā€™m guessing weā€™re about to reach the end of the total stock. Can it be an option to order some more? If yes, then I would maybe order a little less than last time, as it seems like this batch took a very long time before it was finished, and they are quite expensive.

@Odile, a friend just suggested Mundo B, where are lot of NGOs have their offices and appartently they have a dedicated wall for such announcements - if you still have posters, would you have the time to put one there? Otherwise Iā€™ll drop a few flyers at the end of the week.

P.S.: Apparently, there are 2 more offices spaces like than, one at Madou and one at Throne! Fascinating!

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Great tip! Thank you Sophie :pray:. I will go there this afternoon and after picking up more posters from Joannes next week, I will go to their other offices or to any other places they might suggest.

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i can print in belprinto. 2500 flyers for 70. they are delivered at home


hello @Manoj i hope you are well. i leave you the links of some content we have, if you consider appropriate you can post on our social networks. make sure you mention Michel Godart who interviewed me and is the founder of The podcast Factory and also Kaya eco-preneurs.

Le lien en".mp3", il permet de lā€™Ć©couter dans son app de rĆ©seaux social sans la quitter si on le poste avec cette url :

et le lien vers la vidƩo Youtube


Hey @manuelpueyo, thanks for sharing these. I will upload them today on our social media channels.

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thank you !

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@manuelpueyo can you please reshare the audio link? It doesnā€™t seem to work. I have created a post on Facebook and Instagram.

Maybe an idea for @reef-external: Medor has a (free) small ads section:


Good idea Sophie! I volunteer to put an ad in Medor.
And I keep on putting posters wherever I find a suitable place in different neighbourhoods.


@reef-external : there is a festival about environmental and social transition called Maintenant, itā€™s only in May but maybe itā€™s possible to sign up for an exhibition booth or something, which might also give us some exposure ahead of the day?

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Great idea ! Thanks for that tip Sarah !
Iā€™ve send them a message this morning to see if we can get involved in that festival somehow. Letā€™s hope theyā€™ll be interested.


Iā€™m experimenting with a Meetup group. Iā€™ll report back when I have more news about whether I can make it work or not.