Team External: all hands on deck

Hello @reef-external! I am hearing registrations for the next presentation are slow, and we need an extra push. Actions that have been floated are these (but anyone has either ideas, please share them, the more the better):

  • Facebook and other social media: I hear @Manoj is taking the lead on this – feel free to lean on everyone in the group to reshare, etc.
  • @Odile is doing a pass with flyers in Jette.
  • @manuelpueyo is sending out the mailing list
  • @Jeroen is working on getting us some space in Bruzz.
  • New idea from @Lee: the mailing list message can double up as a regular email. We (everyone, not just Team X) should each send it to three friends, asking each of them to send it to three friends.

I can participate but not coordinate, so feel free to give me instructions. Manoj, since you need to issue instructions on Facebook anyway, would you be up for coordinating this? It’s about making sure that the different people are on their respectiive tasks.


i am meeting @Manoj on sat to talk about it. @Lee maybe you can give @Manoj admin rights on the facebook page


@alberto yes, i can take this up.


Great! Don’t be afraid to give us instructions. Speed is of the essence.

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After an extremely busy period, I finally have more time on hands. I’m going to post the information about the next public presentation on different neighbourhood platforms I registered on and on the Social Guide of Jette. Next week, I will go to different places in Jette to give out some flyers. I found those places (CCJette, Viva Jette, Agence pour la Promotion de Bruxelles Pluriel, Bibliojette, Action Jettoise, Le Rayon Vert & les Brusseleirs). If you have any more ideas of other places to go to, please let me know.
I will also put some more posters in Ecosia, the Barn & Farm. I think it’s good to spread the word in other communes than Jette. To reach a wider audiance.
If I need more leaflets and posters, where can I find more?

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Ask our neighbor Kim for input on that. @joannes can connect you.

Lee has some. So do I. Maybe Manuel has more.

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Did you find this one?


Hi @Manoj,

I just gave you access rights to the Facebook page.

If you like, there is a draft text to create an event for a presentation. The file is called “text for social media” and is saved in Team R&O > Public presentations: 07277801

Feel free to use it or not use it, or amend it as you see fit. This should be the link to the current registration form:

Other than that, if that would be useful, I have also updated the slide with available units (slide 27). It’s in the same location, in the Powerpoints folder: Login – Nextcloud

Thanks in advance and don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any help!

Hi @manuelpueyo,

I see that you replaced the picture of the slide with the available units that I put in the draft for the newsletter, with a link. The picture that is shown when opening that link is not identical to the one that I left in the draft.

It feels really precious to me that these newsletters go out without any mistakes, and also that the time that I spend does not go to waste. Can you please do the necessary and maintain the link but replace the slide with the one that I included in the draft? TIA!

Hello @reeflings,

As mentioned above we are in dire need to spread the word about The Reef more widely. One idea we haven’t tried yet, is to send an email to our friends and acquaintances we don’t see very often, or who may not be on social media.

In a few minutes, you will receive an email in your personal mailbox. The request is whether you can forward the message to a couple of your friends, with a request that they forward it to a couple of friends who may be interested, or who may know people who could be interest. Even if this is only half successful, this still should create another wave of word-of-mouth that should reach people that are less easy to reach.