Team Facilitation and Conflict Management: getting started

@RalfWetzel: I’m not sure I understand the question. Chris will be present on behalf of Team Facilitation & Conflict Management (and Laurianne for Team Inclusion). So if there would be any requests towards Team Facilitation Chris will brief you. Does that answer your question?

Hi everyone!
Sorry I’ve been a bit out of touch.
@RalfWetzel - great work with the paperwork!
I’m on duty for our team at the coordination meeting next Monday.
And I’m available 20/9 for our next team meeting.

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My thought was simply that Laurianne & myself need input regarding the agenda, assuming that’s what we get from team coordination?

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seems as next meeting moment Sept 20th gets in sight. @ThomasMaertens, can you make it? Assuming that you, @Lee wont join us anymore ( :sob: :sob: :sob:)?

Correct. One thing that we are more or less sure about is that Team Building would like to get input on the common spaces, which needs some thought in terms of facilitation. The other agenda points we’ll know after the 5th. We’ll tag you once the minutes are ready.

Always happy to join if you would need me, but as a default I’d rather not.

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as promised, I reached out to Hummus, the Deep Democracy training provider, told them about our needs (facilitation training & support, while us being conceptionally close to Sociocracy). I knew that Deep Democracy is close to but not the same as Sociocracy, yet I know the trainer (Nathalie Van Renterghem, the pioneer of improvisation theater and applied improvisation in Flanders) and I know her expertise in facilitating and training facilitation. With this as pre-text, here’s the reply from Katrien, the contact person from Hummus. Please let me know your thoughts.

"Hi Ralf,

First of all we would like to thank you for your interest in our programme.

It would be our pleasure to contribute in a positive way to the Reef project through the Deep Democracy methodology.

During the workshop Initiation in Deep Democracy, participants will get a view on how deep democracy can be useful in their context. They learn to deal with the
sabotage line and get a new perspective on their team - or the group they work with - and the roles within it. They get acquainted with the ZEBRA model: the wisdom
is in the ‘no’. They experience tools like the check-in, the four-step decision-making process or the debate.
Based on the context of your project, we will choose the examples and tools that fit well with the field of work of the participants.

As for the timing, there are 2 options, a 1/2 day or a full day.
During the half-day a selection of tools will be made.
On the full day, we will go more deeply into a few tools and include a more extensive practice session.

The price per half day is 750 € + VAT excluding the travel costs which is 0,30 € per kilometer.

I would like to send you an official offer, so I would be grateful if you could confirm your contact details (name, address, VAT number if present).

Looking forward to your feedback.

Best regards,

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Hi @RalfWetzel,

Thanks a lot for that!

It looks super interesting, but for now I’m afraid this would come close to bankrupting The Reef (I’m exaggerating a little, but not much).

Proposal on a way forward:

  1. We make a 6-month budget for the entire Reef, with each Team estimating how much money they would need for what.
  2. For things that we would like but can’t afford, we look for allies in the cohousing community. Maybe if we can find 3-4 other cohousings who want to send a couple of people we can do more?

well, honestly, Lie, this price seems to me rather high (that’s a price I’d ask for a company to pay me, not a co-housing initiative), and I was not expecting The Reef to pay it. I’d rather a) check in on whether that’s their last word on the price and b) whether there’s an individual willingness to split costs from interested reeflings.

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Hi !

By any chance @Ralf, would you be available earlier like 4-5pm ? If not, we keep 7pm.

Noted for the rest of the conversation. Thank you !!

No. Like I mentionned during our previous meeting (but many things were said :slight_smile: ), I’ll be on holiday at that time.

Thanks for your patience, Laurianne. I am happy to meet at 5pm, coming friday, if that’s still an option? I assume we need to check in with Chris or Lie about agenda points?
have a good week :slight_smile:

Yes, let’s do that. 5pm tomorrow.

We should find it online… Because we use it for the coordination meeting on Monday. Will check.

Hi @Laurianne and @RalfWetzel

I was going to join your meeting today to be supportive, but in the end I have a class to give this evening. Laurianne is probably pretty clear about the agenda for the plenary after the coordination meeting, but it took me awhile to find the right document, so here’s the link: topics

Some possibly helpful thoughts:

The first item should just need a round to see if anyone has any final questions or objections, and a round for consent. I’m not sure if anyone from Team Finance will actually be there, but the two previous objections came for Alexandre and Lie… as the former has left the project and the latter will be present, so it should just be a formality.

The second item is a proposal I’m supposed to put forward on behalf of Team Governance. I need to check with Lie about how that works. At this point I imagine there is a brief overview of it given, then potentially three rounds for questions/objections, reaction and consent (or lack of).

The third item is very much the beginning of a long process regarding finding a shared understanding about the future common spaces, so really no wrong answers with regard to brainstorming and discussion activities :slight_smile:

Good luck!

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@Laurianne , @ChrisM, dear all,

Unfortunately, I can’t make it to today’s meeting. I am down with digestion pain and I am very sorry for this last minute cancellation. I was hoping I can make it but I better go & see the doctor. Happy to postpone to tomorrow or Sunday afternoon if that’s an option for you?
I am really sorry

Sorry to hear that Ralf. Take good care of you, of course.
Sunday 3pm ?

Hi @Laurianne
sunday 3pm it is. thanks for your patience. Here’s the zoom link:

see you tomorrow!

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@RalfWetzel and @Laurianne,

I have added the basic elements into the “agenda & minutes” documents, but the final decision is of course up to you. So if you want to reshuffle topics (or even move some to the next meeting) feel free eh.

Can you please have a look though and let me know? This way I can remind everybody and ask them to prepare the topics that we are going to discuss. Thanks!


I had another conversation with Hummus, the provider of the Deep Democracy facilitation training. They are now down to 550€ (from 750€) for half a day and I find this being a reasonable price. How shall we put this forward - decisoon at the bbq on Saturday?

pls let me knwo what you think,

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I suspect that that’s still a considerable chunk of the Reef’s current funds, but personally I would be super keen to do it. Is there a limit on numbers of participants? Perhaps if enough people were interested, we could each chip in a proportion of the fee to make it happen. We could even go outside of the Reef team to do that, if it was the difference between it happening or not.

Happy to discuss this further on Saturday, or at the next Team Facilitation meeting…

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I think of we get 10 people in and each pays 55 bucks then were there. I wouldnt bother The Reef’s funds much with it.