Team Facilitation and Conflict Management: getting started

question is - do we get that much people inetrested

There’s only 13 of us left, so it seems unlikely that we’ll make it to 10 people any time soon.

Could it be an option that we publish it as an event on Facebook’s “Bruxelles Agenda Alternatif”?

Could be a good opportunity to connect with people who have similar interests?

Dear @Lee & @Laurianne,

Thanks @Lee for setting up the agenda! Here comes the more detailed schedule for tomorrow, mainly for @Laurianne & myself ([internal link])( I adapted it slightly given 15’more minutes are needed in the beginning. Please have a look, @Laurianne whether that works out.

I plan to be there tomorrow at 7.10 to set things up and be ready.
looking very much forward!

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Hi everyone!
I’m really sorry for the late notice, but I can’t make the team meeting tonight :-/
Would it be possible to reschedule? I’m free all day Thursday, including the evening. Also free early Saturday afternoon, Monday morning and next Tuesday evening…

Early Saturday afternoon could work for me!

Happy to reschedule for Saturday morning:)

Thanks team! Would midday on Saturday be an appropriate midpoint between morning and afternoon for you both?

Arrgg… heck! I have a gig on Saturday, need to travel to Lille -.- seems we need to shift to next week -.-


since I cant do saturday morning, I could offer coming sunday (25.9.) morning/noon, next tuesday evening (27.9.), or next friday morning or evening (30.09.). any chance you cold do any of these?
thx for a check

I wouldn’t mind connecting with you both before the next plenary, which is the 29th, so next Friday would be a bit late. Tuesday (27th) evening would work best for me, but I could move some things around and do Sunday (25th) noon if that was the only time that worked for everyone else…

Hi @reef-facilitation,

I’m going on holidays shortly, so I included a draft agenda for the plenary of 29/09 and also a provisional one for 12/10. For the 12/10 one some documents are still missing, but these should come through a bit ahead of the meeting.

Does that work for you?

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@Lee - Thanks for putting the draft agendas together! I that’s all we need to facilitate the hell out of those meetings :slight_smile:

@Laurianne @RalfWetzel @ThomasMaertens - Are we still planning on having a meeting on Tuesday evening? I’m still available, if so…

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Hello @reef-facilitation

Sorry for the late reaction. I was on holiday those last 2 weeks and disconnected a bit from all online communication.

About the meeting tomorrow, I must say I didn’t really progress on anything related to our group (once again, holidays ^^).

So I’m available if needs be, but don’t have much to contribute at this point.

The tentative plan is to have a “meeting” tomorrow evening at 7.30. In fact, there’s not much to discuss, so we won’t do a full sociocratic session, just perhaps 20 minutes to check in with where we’re at.

@ThomasMaertens - are you planning on facilitating with me on Thursday evening? No problem if you don’t feel prepared enough for that. Either way, be good to catch up with you briefly tomorrow evening, if you’re available to join…


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Ok, I’ll join you at 7.30 for a quick meeting.

We can talk about the possibility for me to help @ChrisM facilitate the plenary at that moment.

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here’s the link for tonight! looking forward seeing y’all!



@reef-facilitation, I have prepared the draft agenda for the next two plenary meetings (internal link). They can always be changed still of course, but these are the topics I believe we should tackle next.

Because we’ll be having a big crowd, with many people who are completely new to The Reef, and also because some of the topics are a bit special, I figured I’d ping you in advance.

Here’s a couple of things:

  • The budget: this is a level 4 decision, so a decision to be taken by consensus (see Governance document Section 3.1 and 3.2)

  • The common spaces #3: would the person who will be facilitating be willing to have a quick chat about how to approach this? Maybe we can do a World Café, with one table for each of the rooms, and then people rotate?

  • Selection of a Group Coordinator: this is what is called a selection process in sociocracy, which I would like to do for the role that I am currently taking up. Here again, if possible I would be happy to have a little chat about how we can approach this.

  • Checklist to purchase a site: I’m not fully clear yet on this one, but hopefully it will become clearer after the next Coordination Group meeting.

Another question I have is whether you would be open to explore the use of coloured cards like they do in Earthsong Cohousing (see the book, pdf p. 92). We may need a slightly different meaning for the colours (because we usually do different rounds for different issues (first questions, only then comments) as recommended by sociocracy), but nevertheless it seems useful to me to be able to flag with a card what kind of intervention you would like to bring.

Happy to discuss if that can be of help!


Hey @Lie and everyone

Thanks for the preparatory work !

I’m leaving for a 4 days holidays in an hour or so, and won’t have the opportunity to look at this in details before wednedsday.

Logically it’s not my turn to facilitate the next plenary, but I can surely give a hand if need be.

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Hi @reef-facilitation !

It would be really good if we could have a team meeting at some point. We need to discuss:

  • our budget (before 9/11)
  • electing a team leader
  • the site buying checklist post
  • order of who is facilitating the next plenary meetings

With regard to the last point, I am happy to facilitate the next plenary on 15/11, as I was supposed to do the last one that was cancelled, but I may not be able to attend the next couple. I’m also happy to facilitate our next meeting, as I was at the coordination group meeting where most of the points we need to address were discussed.

So what are our thoughts re when to meet? I’m going to suggest Tuesday 8 or Wednesday 9 of November, and see what happens…


Hi Team!

Yes, that’s a good proposal, Chris!
I can’t be at the plenary on nov 15, so I’d be happy if you, Chris, could do that. I can’t be there at nov 8 with the new redlines either, since I need to be in Berlin. Could perhaps Laurianne do that? After that, it should be easier for me to be around and to facilitate. I wonder whether we should have a brief check in next week? Tuesday or Thursday?

Have a good long weekend everyone!

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