Team Finance meetings of 2022-02-15 and subsequent ones

Thanks @VickyVanEyck.

I left out the part on receiving money for rentals on purpose, because to me this is linked to what Alberto presented on the possible legal structures at the plenary meeting of 08/02.

@Lee Im not sure I understand, I thought Alberto’s recommendation was co-propriété + ASBL. I had understood that the ASBL could receive the rental income if we went with this option.

The way I understood it that was an exploratory discussion, and we concluded that we need to learn more about the hybrid structure of a coopropriété plus a cooperative (this is confirmed in the minutes (08/02) where is says “taking the temperature of the group”). The advantage that a cooperative has over an asbl to receive revenue from rentals is that the money can be diverted back to us.

The way I see it, the decision on the final legal structure can only be taken once we have purchased the site. It’s not excluded that we’ll end up in a scenario like Tivoli, Okelaar or Gumm, where the nature of the site or the sale contract made it necessary or sensible to opt for a more advanced legal structure.

ok, lets talk about it at the plenary, I wonder if we are perhaps misunderstanding each other :slight_smile:

Hi @reef-finance
Here comes the agenda for Tuesday, 11 April team meeting. See you then!

Guys, I made the 3 slides for the budget overview 2022 and 2023. @ugne it’s just a minor point, but in your notes to the Excel I see “flyers” for the presentations (Onboarding/recruitment) and “printing” for comms… would these be the same flyers?

Hi @reef-finance ,
Here comes the agenda for tonight’s meeting, see you there!

Hi @reef-finance
Minutes of today’s meeting.