Team Inclusion 2024 relaunch

Hey @Laurianne and @Caro (as well as @AlinT who would like to join),

Our first meeting is already tomorrow. I have prepared a draft agenda that gathers the input from the post about the social investors and the société simple.

For the meeting with/message to the social investors I am thinking about

  1. introducing them to the société simple (cf. document in the Onboarding Package)
  2. asking them to complete the ubo-register file
  3. presenting Jet-14
  4. asking for their input to “Le programme”

Feel free to add anything. See you tomorrow :slight_smile:


Thank you very much Sophie !


Ladies !
I am not feeling great and must cancel on you :sob:
We catch up in the coming days, just so you know I Have several pistes for extra social investors.

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Hello @Sophie_B @Laurianne and @Caro :slight_smile:

Could you please check the draft of the minute of our meeting on Sunday 19th June?

It was my first meeting, so please don’t hesitate to change what you think it should be and correct any mistakes I would have done (misunderstanding, etc.).

Thanks and see you soon :wink:

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thanks! let me know if you need some help with the text of the document / presentation for the social investors,


Hey @AlinT, Thank you for writing up the minutes, especially on your first ever Reef meeting :slight_smile: Looks great to me, so much detail! Usually, we put the action points first, so that people immediately see what needs doing and sometimes have a one-sentence-summary of each agenda point (in case people don’t have time to read all of the minutes) but this was more of an exploratory meeting and less specific than other meetings, so all good for this purpose. Thanks again :slight_smile:
P.S.: As for the register, as it contains private data and the forum is publicly accessible, I guess we don’t need to put a link (it’s in the asbl folder, register of members, and needs updating)

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Hey @reef-inclusion and @AlinT, here is the proposed meeting schedule for the months to come: I was thinking every three weeks on alternating days - let’s see how that works out in our small team. Shall we say 7.30pm?
11. June
3. July
25. July
16. August
2. September


I could do shorter next time (if I will write the minutes again ^^) if it was too long.
My idea was to have enough information for every Reefling interested to understand the discussions, but without be however really too long :stuck_out_tongue:

Done :wink:

Understood for the next time, if I will do other minutes in the future.

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Thanks for the proposition Sophie!

OK for me except July 3 (I will be in the mountains without network ^^) (trekking, from sunday 30th June to Saturday 6th July)

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@reef-inclusion Nextcloud calendar updated :slight_smile:


Hi @reef-inclusion !
I made a draft of a gentlemen’s agreement, that I renamed “mutual” agreement in order to get rid of the gendered part.

Don’t hesitate to have a look at it and do some modifications !
See you soon,


Hey @reef-inclusion and maybe @Lee, our next meeting is already on Tuesday :slight_smile: I guess we’re mainly going to discuss Laurianne’s draft of the agreement with the social investors - thanks a ton for that!
First draft agenda is in the usual document, please add any points, I might also go through our past notes etc. again.


Hi there,

I have no intention of attending Team Inclusion meetings.

Quick note: at the presentation someone told me it would be interesting to look at the following initiatives:


Thanks @Sophie_B and @Laurianne for the preparation of the documents!

Sorry I didn’t send a feedback or something but I was too sick last week :wink:

See you tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Hello @Sophie_B and @Laurianne.
I updated the draft agenda :wink:


Hello @reef-inclusion!

Minute of our last meeting is done :wink:

I also added a comment on the Minute done by Sophie about our meeting with Luc (and I changed the terme gentleman’s agreement by mutual agreement ;))

About the follow-up :

  • “Team inclusion will check if the social investors could/should be part of the SoSi or not → check with Team Finances and Legal.” → I can do that :wink:

  • “Team inclusion will make a proposal of order of choice regarding the units for the social investors, to discuss in a plenary.” → do you think it’s realistic to put this point on the agenda of the next plenary on 01/07? (I will not be there :wink: )


Thanks Aline! My feeling about inclusion atm is that we should have the discussion about the number of units/overall expectations first before we move on with anything that concerns the private investors. @Lee can we have an item about this at the next plenary?


Hey @reef-inclusion, I finally put together a proposal on the order of choosing an apartment for the social investors. Happy to hear your thoughts on Wednesday :slight_smile:

@Sophie_B: noted for the number of units. Would you also be willing and able to bring a short point on the accessibility of the buildings? This is sort of urgent and important, because the outcome will affect peoples wishes for their programme.

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Thanks @Lee, I’ve added the topic to our draft agenda for the next meeting on Wednesday.

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