Team Recruitment & Onboarding: getting started

Hello @reef-recruitment,

It’s the least important detail ever, but since a recent post from a newling who has actually read the manual, I learned that we actually have two posts on membership:

The last thread has also become so long that it has become difficult to scroll towards the end.

What would you say about a proposal to close the “membership update thread”, with a link to a new one, where the first post would say something that this thread is meant for updates on people who are leaving?

I stumbled on l’Echappée’s manual (doing something else), and stumbled on something that I wanted to take note of. It’s on p. 5, where they speak about their recruitment process, where it says:

Au plus nous arrivions à la limite de taille de notre groupe, au plus nous avions des critères de sélections précis pour atteindre un équilibre entre personnes seules, familles, jeunes et moins jeunes, de langue différente.

Link to the manual:
Link to our post on Edgeryders: L'Echappée: manual, vision and statutes


This is well within team autonomy.

Actually, we have 5 posts on membership:

I brought this up at a Team R&O meeting last year, and we agreed (I think… I don’t really want to trawl back through the minutes at this point) to keep ‘Welcome to the Reef!’ for proactive newlings to announce themselves, and which is the link provided in the Edgeryders manual. And we agreed to keep ‘Membership: update’ for members to announce they’re leaving and for us to announce who had moved on to the next stage of membership after a GA meeting. I tried to combine the other three threads into ‘Membership: update’, assuming they would slot into their date order, but they all bounced in at the end of the thread, which made it messy. This is also one of the reasons it’s now too long.

Fine with me, although would it also be for post-GA meeting updates concerning new Associate and Full Members? Also, buddies currently use the ‘Membership: update’ thread to welcome new members to the platform if they haven’t announced themselves on ‘Welcome to the Reef!’. This is the advice given and link provided in the buddy manual. So perhaps that should change too…

Yes and no. In terms of where the project is at right now, not exactly on the same level as getting the société simple sorted :slight_smile: But in terms of attracting new members, which may be an extremely important part of the process soon, better if we don’t confuse the hell out of them with their first foray onto the platform…

Thanks @ChrisM!


  • We keep the “welcome” thread and point the buddies attention to this.

  • We close the “update” thread, start a new one and use it for all exit or other messages (GA and everything). To keep a link between threads, you can write the first message of the new thread in the old one, then zap it to a new topic, and then close the old topic.

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@reef-recruitment, quick message for Wednesday’s meeting: I am planning to bring a detailed meeting preparation, which will in a way also be some sort of draft agenda. After that we can go in full brainstorming mode. Does that work for you?

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All good! I’ll take care of tidying this up…

Also all good! I didn’t intend to prepare an agenda, because I assumed that after our last conversation you had a bunch of priority points coming out of the Coordination Group meeting. I have one or two small outstanding points from our last Team R&O meeting, but I suspect they will now be directly related to what you have in mind…


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Hi @ChrisM @Lee , the minutes of our last meeting are added to Nextcloud.
Two quick questions:

  • Is Miro already booked for 29 May?
  • Shall we plan our next meeting? (Unfortunately I have limited availibilites because I am away during the long weekend)
  • Sunday 5 May evening after 7 PM
  • Monday 6 May evening after 7h30 PM
  • Tuesday 7 May evening
  • Wednesday 8 May evening
  • Monday 13 May evening
  • Tuesday 14 May evening
  • None of the above
0 voters
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I don’t think so.
@alberto - would you be able to do that? I think you sent an email last time and it worked out quite well. Having said that, I’m happy to try and do it via text message if you prefer…

Does that mean we’re not meeting on the 19th? I was actually going to bring that up, because I want to organise a brunch at my place as a social event for new members, and the 19th is the only date I’ve got free for that before their deadline. We could still try and squeeze the meeting in before or after, but I would prefer it if it was another day. Unfortunately, I can’t make any of the dates above…

The meeting for the 19th is still on (I think), but I proposed some new dates because I understood that we wanted to have another meeting in between.

Let’s look at the question of the meeting in function of what we need to get done:

  • In the next few days we need to be ready to send out the announcement of the next presentation

  • By 26/05 we need to be ready with a proposal to be presented to the plenary

  • By 29/05 we need to know what we are going to tell future Exploring Members

Looking at that, I think we can stick with our meeting on 19/05, and if we need to consult in between, then let’s do that in pairs on Signal, and keep each other informed on Edgeryders?

That said I don’t feel comfortable cancelling our team meeting to be able to organise a social event. A social event can be organised by other people at any moment, so I prefer to use the time that we booked for a meeting (hard to find) for something that is now the key priority in The Reef. Would that be ok?


If it’s important for you not to move the meeting, then we go ahead and meet on the 19th as planned. But it’s the responsibility of Team R&O to organise a social event for Exploring Members to meet the rest of the group during this period. And I would say that welcoming new members is also a priority at this point in the project. As putting on a brunch at my place that day was my only possibility to take that task on, could you and @mieke think about when you might have time to host or organise an event before the 26th…

I would slightly disagree on this one. Organising socials sits with Team Community Life, and in any case it’s something we can always just throw in the group?
That said I can offer my place for a brunch on the 18th if the group could move to the bar at the corner after 3 pm or so.

Organising (regular) socials in general sits with Team Community Life, but specifically putting one on in the 3-4 weeks after a presentation is Team R&O. We decided that in a team meeting a while back, and added it to the steps in the ‘Onboarding - membership manual’. It’s a largely academic point, as Mieke and I are responsible for both :slight_smile:

No need. In the ever-changing tumultuous landscape that is my schedule, I’ve just seen that I can also offer my place on the 18th, so I’m going to run with my original idea and make a post imminently. Thanks for the offer though…

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Hi there, could we have our meeting in the morning and lunch instead of brunch afterwards, on the 19th? A few exploring members were already aware of a possible event on the 19th, even though it was to be confirmed.
I am unfortunately not available on the 18th, if you prefer to do it then, go ahead without me, no worries.

Doing it on the 19th would work for me. I’ll leave it to the both of you to make a decision.

Some other things:

I am reworking the Powerpoint for the presentation (which we’ll need some day anyway), which made me think that I think it is difficult if not impossible to meaningfully communicate about a presentation without a minimum of certainty on where we stand with that site. I’m a bit unsure about how to handle this. Should we maybe postpone the presentation to 5 June?

Where are with the new Reeflings?

  • Should we set a date for online consent for those who already sent their application?
  • Is there anything we can do speed up their onboarding?
  • Is there anything we can do to have them sign up for tasks in the near future?
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How does this sound: Team R&O meeting at my place 10h to 12h, then pot luck lunch (or bbq if the weather plays our game) from about 12h30 onwards?

Sounds reasonable to me. I won’t be able to make it on that evening, or at least not until the end, but that certainly shouldn’t be an issue…

For those who have already applied for associate membership, we could set up an online consent process tomorrow and have it confirmed a few days later.

As far as I know, everyone has been given until the 27th, and a few are planning on attending the plenary on the 26th. We could tag all the Exploring Members in this thread to say we’re about to consent to a few people who are already wanting to take the next step, and would they like to be a part of that process. Otherwise, perhaps in our meeting on the 19th, which I imagine will once again be predominantly about the onboarding process, we could think about how to make it possible for those who are particularly keen to get involved quicker if they wish to…

That’s a great question, to which I don’t have an answer… :slight_smile:


Sounds all good. Cannot be present on the 5th since I have to attend an obligatory info session from the commune bc I am called to assist during the elections but I am available for all the preparations.
Meeting and lunch on the 19th is good too.
Going offline now until Sunday.

A post was split to a new topic: Team Recruitment & Onboarding: general communication 2024