Team Recruitment & Onboarding: general communication 2024

I’m starting a new thread for Team Recruitment & Onboarding’s general communication, as the previous thread was becoming a bit long, and not easy to scroll down.


Hello @ChrisM and @mieke,

When you find a moment, could you please take care of the online consent process for the associate membership applications? It would be great if we could confirm the current requests so that these early appliers can move on with their membership process. TIA!

There’s one less than straightforward aspect to that… will bring it up when we chat tomorrow :slight_smile:

Hello @reef-recruitment,

I have prepared a couple of questions and notes to continue our work on the new recruitment process. I have saved it in the “draft proposals” folder:

Other than that, when there is time, I would also like to put our membership administration on the agenda. As we never set a date for a new selection process for the Team’s Coordinator, I would also like it if we could put that on the agenda at one of the next meetings.

Hello @reef-recruitment,

Just a quick message that I started to write up the things that we discussed about the new recruitment process, but that I’ll need a bit more time. From what I have written up so far however, it seems to me that our proposal still leaves quite a lot of questions, and that we’ll need some further discussions.

Therefore I would propose the following:

  • We present what we have at the plenary meeting of 26/05, mostly focussing on challenges and needs

  • We set up another R&O meeting to finalise the proposal, aiming to reach consent by the end of June

  • We honestly tell the new Exploring Members that we are still working on the process, and that we’ll provide more clarity by the time that they will apply for Associate Membership.

How does that sound?

Two further questions:

  • Would somebody have space to look for a date for our next meeting? Or shall we try to do this tonight or on Sunday?

  • Could someone please start a new thread on the presentation of 06/06, so that as many Reeflings as possible can save the date?


Let’s set a date on Sunday

Mieke or I will do it… :slight_smile:

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Hello @reef-recruitment,

Just a quick message to let you know that I won’t be able to finish a document to introduce a discussion about the revised recruitment process. Even if I would, I don’t think anybody would read it, so I’ll rather use what will be left of my Saturday for something else.

For tomorrow at the plenary I would therefore propose that we just do a quick introduction on the challenges we are facing, and the main things we have discussed so far. I would then collect feedback, both from full as from exploring members (different prompts though), and then commit to presenting a proposal to the full members before the end of June, so that we know what to offer to the future exploring members before they become associate members.

Would that work for you?


Good plan !

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In a classic example of what I hope people will perceive of as ‘better late than never’, I have added the minutes of our last meeting to the agenda doc.

The agenda for tomorrow’s meeting is undoubtedly the ongoing discussion of the new recruitment process moving forward, as well as the customary update on membership and anything we need to think about ahead of next week’s presentation. Feel free to add anything here, if you want to flag it up ahead of time…


Hello @reef-recruitment,

I tried to write up the things that we discussed so far, and put them in a document that could be the basis for a proposal. In sum the proposal would be to keep everything the same, but to change a couple of things in every stage to adopt to the current situation.

I saved in the draft proposals folder: Login – Nextcloud

Shall we go over this at tomorrow’s meeting, and try to conclude on it?

Another question would be whether and if yes, when, we could do a second presentation. From what it looks like now, it is unlikely that we’ll have enough people who will join for the presentation, which means we’ll have less associate members than we would hope for. My proposal would be to go all in, and to organise another presentation on 19/06. This would leave us enough time to communicate in clearer terms about Jette, while at the same time keeping some overlap with the 06/06 presentation (i.e. Q&A sessions can serve both groups).

On that topic: given that time is ticking away, @ChrisM would you have space to draft a new text for the mailing list, one that says something like “it’s in Jette and places are limited”? I asked the architects whether we can use the sketches, so putting these two together the message should now become more concrete.

Finally, on administration:

  • Last time we said we were going to do a selection process, and I would like to insist that we do that.

  • Happy news: I asked the mighty @els whether she’d be willing to join us and help us to take on this ginormous challenge, and she said yes :partying_face:

All good for me…

I’m really not sure about this. At the moment we have 23 people booked. The last time we panicked about numbers, they almost doubled in the last week and we ended up with 20-25 people in the room, and 7 Exploring Member households. And it’s only been on social media a few days.

Also, in light of the fact that we’ve just announced a location to our mailing list, resulting in the number of registrations that we have, why would we be confident of filling a room two weeks later?

Happy to do so if we decide to go forward with that when we meet…

Are you talking about the coordinator role of Team R&O? And if so, why would we need help with that…

I tend to agree.

We ended up with 3 Associate Members. That’s not even close to enough. Ideally we should have 10 by the end June.

It’s a completely different story if we can say “this is the address and this how it could look like”. Regardless of whether we’d organise a second presentation, I would really like to send out a second mail to the mailing list.

If then on Wednesday we don’t have sufficient registrations, we have 2.5 weeks to communicate about the next presentation (including with a new, more concrete flyer), which should be enough to help us reach 10 Associate Members by the end of June.

The points are not linked. We are now one of the most important teams in The Reef, and we need more help.

The minutes of the last team meeting (2 June) have been added to the agenda, with the exception of the those relating to the point on the new R&O process, which are for Lie to do…


Hello @reef-recruitment,

I have updated the proposal on adapting the R&O process (internal link) in line with what we discussed at our meeting on 2 June. Can you please take it from here and get it on the agenda of one of the June plenary meetings?

As we’re already putting some of it in place, probably sooner the better. I take it from your request @Lee that you’re not organising the agendas for the next plenaries. In which case, @ugne - can we put the adapted R&O process on the agenda for the 17th?


On the main page of the ‘Onboarding state-of-play’ doc (Login – Nextcloud) there are three columns at the end for:

  • Application date
  • GA approval date
  • Next deadline

There’s no info on there for the current Associate Members, and I’m wondering if it’s disappeared, or been moved, or something more sinister involving the deep state. Anyone know anything about this?


@ChrisM I looked at 2-3 versions going back 10 days, and there’s no data on deadlines. I assume it’s unfortunate synching problem?

Ok… we can find it back by looking at the application emails and working out whether we did online consent or did at at a FM meeting soon after… :slight_smile: