Hello @alberto, @manuelpueyo and probably @Lara or @Dave_Starhawk,
In @reef-governance we have been thinking about the fact that there are currently too many people in the Coordination Group (a weekly meeting of all Team Coordinators) to be able to have efficient meetings, and i also wonder sometimes whether these meetings are very useful to you, given that Team IT, Team Communications and Team Logistics are generally much less intense in their activities compared to the other teams.
To solve this problem we see two options:
- We make a meta Team called Support that brings your 3 teams together and then you delegate a meta Team Coordinator to the Coordination Group.
- You rotate attendance to the Coordination Group, so you have less meetings to attend but you still keep in touch.
Personally I think the first option is less attractive because it brings in hierarchy and delegation without much added value, but of course it’s you who gotta make it work so I believe the choice should be yours.
Can you please let us know what you think?
I’ll be mostly offline until Sunday evening, but the idea is to include whatever it is you prefer into a proposal on our organigram that Sarah and Chris are preparing for a decision at the plenary meeting on Wednesday.