As discussed and to reference in our call @matthias, here are the specifications for POPREBEL, and now preliminary ones for NGI Forward. Please note that NGI Forward is further behind in the process and things may be shifting slightly.
You had asked for the following:
- notes (internal and from the proposal) available about the tech part
- future extended functionalities for Open Ethnographer etc.
- the maintenance / adaptation of the software we have
- ideas for features to add if we have some “excess capacity”
1. Notes (internal and from the proposal) available about the tech part
2. Future extended functionalities for Open Ethnographer etc.
3. Maintenance / adaptation of the software we have
4. Ideas for features to add if we have some “excess capacity”
1. Notes (internal and from the proposal) available about the tech part
IMPORTANT: Before we finalise the Grant Agreements (around end September/October), please confirm that the timing associated to each external milestone and deliverable is reasonable.
I have shared with you relevant background information on POPREBEL and our WP2 in this post.
The Task associated to your team is
Task 2.5 - Provide technical support to the WP (Involved: EDGE. Months 1-36)
- Provide functionality for coding multimedia as well as text.
- Maintain and improve user experience of in-platform coding application.
- Customise and maintain a POPREBEL platform space.
Description of work and role of participants
- We set up and configure the POPREBEL online space. This shares the codebase and database with the existing platform, but is accessible through its own domain (for example and has its own color schemes. This requires minor extensions to the codebase (Ruby on Rails), and we have experience with it.
- We engage an Ethics Advisor and provide the space with an ethical consent funnel. See WP8 for description.
- We extend Open Ethnographer to support multimedia coding. This happens by building on the annotator.js library, and integrating the functionality in the version of the Discourse platform maintained by [Edgeryders].
- We support ethnographers in the coding activity. Though the key functionalities are already implemented, this might require small front-end utilities like coding queues, or drag-and-drop interfaces to re-organize hierarchies of codes. These are implemented in Javascript to stick to browser-based interfaces for simplicity of use.
- We provide technical support and server admin to the whole project.
The external milestone associated to the Tech dev team is:
M2 (ie. February 2019)
- MS 2.1 : POPREBEL platform ready for posting. Public access to POPREBEL forums within the platform available and registered-user capacity to post comments.
I’d like access to your internal milestones for overall project planning and scaling.
The external deliverables associated to the Tech dev team are:
- D 2.1 : Code for multimedia coding committed to GitHub and documented. M6 (ie. June 2019). Deployal and documentation of the technical adaptations and extensions to functionality of platform (on Discourse) to allow for ethnographic coding of multimedia specific to POPREBEL.
- D 2.8 : Data management plan (in collaboration with @alberto?). M6 (ie. June 2019). A document detailing the governance of the data produced during POPREBEL, during and after the project.
- D 2.4 : Interactive dashboard, first version (Graphryder). M13 (ie. January 2020) A software application to generate and refine on the fly visualizations of semantic social networks.
- D 2.7 : Interactive dashboard, second version. M34 (ie. October 2021)
There are no current additional internal deliverables associated to the Tech dev team for POPREBEL specifically (but some with the scaling as per below), however this may change in process and with dialogue.
Rather than paste 1.5 pages here, please see pages 103 - 105 of the proposal on Ethics and Data protection.
1.2. NGI Forward
I have shared initial background info on NGI Forward with you in this post, and have just updated it with more detailed background on our Work Packages and Tasks for ease of reference.
Edgeryders is more interwoven through the Work Packages and our work more demanding as a consequence.
The Task associated to your team is
T2.5:Data management and technical support [M1-M36] Partner(s): Edgeryders (Task leader), DELab
Motivation for the task: To undertake inclusive stakeholder debate effectively, and ensure robust ethical management of the platform, technical support customizes and maintains a NGI Forward platform space, ensures smooth interoperability with the existing website, and provides functionality for data from WP1 and WP2 to be incorporated into the platform.
Work plan: We ensure rigorous and compliant data and ethics management, and maintain and improve the user experience of in-platform coding applications, by building additional functionalities and capabilities. For example, as the project will generate several sophisticated data visualisations, we want to build in capabilities to let participants annotate these images. We ensure data consistency, integrity and long-term stewardship, and commit to publishing data sets as open data. We combine primary and secondary data into a semantic social network (SSN). We export the data in a widely used, intuitive format (JSON) and store it for long-term safekeeping.
Partners role: This task is led by Edgeryders, with support from DELab.
Relationship with other tasks: This task will strongly interlink with T6.3, which concerns itself with data management and the development of a data management plan. This task also supports the rest of project by providing technical support and server admin.
The external milestone associated to the Tech dev team is:
MS2.1 Platform launched Month 5
Please note that there may be others once we get moving after the initial proposal, based on the other tech heavy Work Packages and out feeding into them. I have already asked when Grant Agreement preparations will begin and have prioritised clarifying how this will work to inform your own planning.
I’d like access to your internal milestones for overall project planning and scaling
The external deliverables associated to the Tech dev team are:
D2.3 Interactive Graphryder dashboard, first version [Month 13]
D2.6 Interactive Graphryder dashboard, second version [Month 34]
NESTA will be leading Data Management and I flagged that we’d need to be involved. Please see page 25, page 44 and Task 6.3 Data, ethics & IPR management of the proposal
Rather than paste 4 pages here, please see pages 99 - 103 of the proposal on Ethics as it refers to our work.
2. Future extended functionalities for Open Ethnographer etc.
As per the deliverables on each project above, current extensions to OpenEthnographer include
- multilingual coding
- multimedia coding
We also allowed for adaptations to be made to Graphryder that may involve API extensions. @alberto may have more to say on this.
3. Maintenance / adaptation of the software we have
I suspect substantial maintenance and adaptation will be required for Discourse to allow for the multiple fora across languages and stakeholder groups - we are the lead on this and will be having 1000-2500 active participants on both POPREBEL and NGI Forward - ie. up to 5000 active participants (OpenCare was 300).
I will want a magic spreadsheet like tool that can be used by our teams and staff for Technical and Financial reporting. I’ve asked both POPREBEL and NGI Forward Coordinators for their templates to inform how we can create one to funnel / serve both. Let’s discuss more in our upcoming call/s.
As already flagged, we need to adapt our project planning tool/s. You’ve mentioned that you and @anu are already working on notifications for Dynalist which are a must. I’d like us to explore how we can incorporate
- calendar functionality
- mindmapping software (for us visual thinkers as while I can work with lists they overwhelm me and I need to be able to visualise the roadmap and shifting parts. Let’s discuss more in our upcoming call/s.)