TechBlick 12 - Gerry [EN]

Does recycling and reusing mean different things for you?

Yeah, I think that that different I could reuse I can reuse something like a, like a water bottle a multiple times I don’t is it recycled at the start. Sure. It could be recycled materials. So um so yeah, recycling and reuse for sure. There two different ones.

On a scale of 1 to 5, one means not at all concerned. Five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues of environmental waste and pollution?

maybe it’s three three, maybe. I think there’s there’s definitely aspects. And I’ve seen different media sources tell me that there’s some very bad, um, environmental issues that that I think need to be addressed. So I think yes, there was maybe. I think this people are working on different ways to try and reduce waste. I think that’s that’s some really good work being done on that. But so yeah, I think I’m probably in the middle there somewhere, probably a three.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

I recycle my waste. I try and compost some of the vegetable, you know, the vegetables and stuff that can be composted. I, I try and take most of my used clothes down to the consignment shops where they can be used. Again, I switched to a hybrid, so hopefully that helps a little bit. Um, I try and be aware of switching off light switches at home and not leaving them on too much disconnecting power sources. So I have installed some solar into my house, so that was something I, I think will help. I think that’s about it, what I can and every time I buy a refrigerator, I make sure it has a one of those green. What is it? The. Do you know what I mean? It’s it’s it has a green sticker on that. It shows it uses less power consumption. So energy saving energy saver. Energy saver something. Yeah. That’s right.

Last question. How much responsibility does each individual have, in your opinion to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

I think everyone starts out it’s it’s important that everyone has their own ability to local companies can can do some things. But if you start with the man in the mirror, right. If you can, if you can make choices personally, then and everyone can make choices like that, I think it would make a huge difference for sure, sir.

Thank you very much, Gary.
