TechBlick 13 - Ilaria & Roberto [EN]

No not really. I think that if you. If you do not, don’t have anything to hide you.

Does recycling and reusing mean different things to you?

Cycling and using. Yeah, maybe. Yes, we can say that recycling is take a material and give it a new life that can be different from the the previous one. Reuse. Maybe you have something that you reuse with the same purpose. I think.

You Roberto.

Yeah I agree recycle is to rework a material and give it a second chance.

On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 to 5 means one means not at all concerned, and five means extremely concerned. How concerned are you about issues on environmental waste and pollution?

Five is the most? I think four.


Because I think that we have to do something about the pollution, about emissions. We do know that there is a problem, so we have to fix it. Yeah.

You, Roberto, what do you think.

I’m concerned.

Let’s say 3 to 4. I think that Europe is doing a lot on this point of view, on this, on this field. Sorry. And. And other countries? Not so much, I suppose.

What, if any, actions do you take in your life to promote sustainability?

Um, I think that I do something. Uh, as I said before, I try to recycle. I try to use my car better to reduce the emissions. Yeah. That’s my. I try to do something every day,

And you, Roberto?

Yeah. We I, I change a little bit of my lifestyle every day on and starting from the usage of, of of things and also on on the food and. Yes.

Last question. How much responsibility does each individual have, in your opinion, to make lifestyle and consumer choices that help protect the environment?

Uh, I think that we have responsibility. That is, I think 60% and the other the 30% is about the people that rule Europe, America and so on. Because you do have to you do have the the instrument to do recycling, to do more emission, less emission and so on. And these instruments are from people that that counts. I Think.

And you Roberto?

I think that everyone has the 100% of responsibility. So we we must improve a lot if if everyone is doing his best, I think that we can reach a very good goal.