TechBlick 20 - Naoshiko [EN]

Can you define a circular economy in your own words. What is circular economy. Circular economy. Circular economy.

Circular. Sorry sorry sorry circular.

The definition is economy based on sharing, reusing, repairing and recycling materials and existing products. What do you think about that circular economy?

Uh, recycle. Oh, um. Yeah. So as I said, I the waste is very low but already to occurre and yeah get half 3d. Um yeah. So silver be paste and we use silver paste and silvering and resin. You will cure resin and add a. Sorry the what I say. So we have a plan to use reuse the waste of, uh, silver paste and silver ink. Yeah. So it’s a very rare it’s very expensive material. So we have a plan to reuse the material.

Uh, do you think electronics can play a role in making the car industry more sustainable?

Yes, I would say yes. Mm. Yeah. And they the automotive industry requires rapid, rapid development. So the industry is expand rapidly and they need to, uh, do rapid development. So they want to maybe they want to use product. So the product is in the pipe. Yeah. Sorry. The. Emmy proud that task is to is for the prototype product. So yeah we can. Solve the need.

Do you own a car? Do you currently own a car? Do you have a car?

Are you our customer?

Do you. Do you have a car?

Sorry, sorry, sorry. Yes I have.

Which kind of car is it?


Electric car or hybrid or petrol car?

A hybrid car? Hybrid, yeah.

What personal or professional experience have you had with car electronics? When you used the car, do you have any experience with electronics in the car? Any issues? Or is it everything properly working or the electronics in a car?

electronics in the car.

Like GPS or Navi?

The problem?

That’s my question. Which kind of experience do you have?
