Testing Event page

  title: Campaign Template
  template: Campaign
  theme: Edgeryders
  lang: en-US
  anchor: true
    icon: classic
    color: white
    url: https://edgeryders.eu
  image: https://i.redd.it/x5zojh91awfz.jpg
  social: ['url', 'twitter', 'facebook', 'linkedin', 'email']

Resilient Livelihoods Summit


This summit is part of a series of activities aimed at co-designing experimental new social, business and investment models to withstand the shocks which will be soon be upon us as climate crisis and ecological devastation unfold.

You should participate if you want to connect with others who deploy policies, infrastructures, tools, business activity and community projects that can form an essential support system for sustaining livelihoods in times of crisis.

The event is designed to help participants…

  • :memo: Grow your professional network
  • :open_book: Learn from others’ past experiences
  • :microscope: Cocreate new models for making a living
  • :handshake:Support for your project in a custom session

How to register

You can access the event through our community platform. Joining is easy, you just introduce yourself here


Why this, why now? {style=“border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd”}

How we have been organizing resources and markets so humans have food on the table and a roof over their head has proven to be fragile in the midst of a pandemic. Most complex challenges (like getting food on the table for your family from a hundred sources and locations), are not one well-defined problem (grow apples), but a constellation of interdependent issues (transportation logistics, factory sorting and processing, demand & supply negotiations, regulation etc) undergoing constant redefinition and renegotiation.

There are no silver bullet solutions. We know from science and experience that no individual, small group, or organisation can contain the issues that affect us the most, no matter how smart. Instead, Edgeryders builds diverse communities and induces collective intelligence dynamics within them. We seek out existing initiatives , organisations, people, places and networks. Acknowledge their good work and build on it. Avoid duplication or competing with one another’s work. Stay open to help anyone who means well and is working on something promising. Improve participants’ ability to access, analyse and interpret information. We support our members, partners and clients to do the same.

Edgeryders takes on these challenges equipped with new science, our in-house technology development lab and most important of all - an online community of members spanning every continent and area of expertise.


You can help.

Get in touch. Edgeryders can support the work of changemakers in more than 80 countries because people like yourself support us with knowledge, contacts and resources.

Contact us on Email / Telegram

Change the webkit module for this header format:

  1. Header: Add the “Ends in” countdown bar ( see http://er-campaigns.surge.sh/1398)
  2. Social share menu: Replace “Facebook” with “Telegram” and link to -----> Telegram: Contact @edgeryders