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:card_index_dividers: Remote work done right.

Remote collaboration can be hard. We have made all the mistakes and found good solutions so you don’t have to.

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Our Services

Our ability to work to function well as organisations and teams that rely on remote work is not fixed by downloading the next smart tool. We can help solve your complex remote work challenges and make sure you gain the competencies for continuing success. Our approach is tool-agnostic and grounded in 26+ years of hands-on experience.

:hammer_and_wrench: Online Facilitation

Some text on online facilitation

:speaking_head: Behaviour Change

Right combination between privacy and sociability.

:tent: Physical Environment

In-built nudges towards healthy eating, exercising, burnout prevention.

:lock: Data Privacy & Security

In-built nudges towards healthy eating, exercising, burnout prevention.

What we offer

Our clients range from small startups to regional authorities to multinationals organisations. We offer empathetic, custom made support adapted to your context and language.


Screenshot 2021-03-31 at 16.14.24

Get one-on-one consulting for orientation on telework policies and best practices, along with recommendations for your organisation. Designing and writing Telework Policies: We help you to design teleworking policies and policies for te…


Screenshot 2021-03-31 at 16.14.24

Get personalized coaching and implementation help for building effective distributed teams. This one-on-one coaching builds on previous training, and will help you with any organisation-specific implementation questions you might encounte…


Screenshot 2021-03-31 at 16.14.24

Get customizable training for small or large groups at your organisation on remote / telework best practices – from setup and security to communications and culture. Whether your teams are working from home or from the organisation’s offi…

Our Team

Our team of specialists are driven by a shared purpose: make working life as good for others as we have made it for ourselves. To meet our own needs as an organisation that relies on remote work, we developed a unique stack of work practices, skills and culture. Today, we are a community of people building, managing and working as remote teams across 80+ countries.

John O’ Duinn

Author of “Distributed Teams - The Art and Practice of Working Together While Physically Apart.” He is a senior technologist, entrepreneur, and frequent international speaker on the benefits and strategies for remote work. John served in the U.S. Digital Service in the Obama White House and has provided workshops and mentorship to distributed teams around the world.

Nadia E.N.


Edgeryders co-founder. She is an Engineer and User Experience designer, specialising in building platforms for supporting businesses and policymakers operating under challenging economic and political contexts. Nadia has designed programs for the World Bank and European Commission, and has provided workshops and mentorship to distributed teams of entrepreneurs around the world. She has stewarded the development of Edgeryders into a globally distributed organisation.

Hugi Asgeirsson


Creative producer, researcher, developer, and community builder. I create and evolve tools for participatory ways of working together and employ those methods in my own projects. My work has grown out of co-created events and participatory politics.

Alberto Cottica


Apostate economist & Network Scientist. World citizen. Runner. Ex-low grade rockstar.

Maria Kling


Interdisciplinary artist, information experience designer and researcher. Builder of bridges, electromagnetic sculptures and connections. Facilitator of conversations, workshops and quantum teleportations

Matthias Ansorg

Maker, software analyst, entrepreneur, German nerd trying to bring order and system to the world. 8+ years of experience building and running remote-only companies, where I especially care about IT, process development and documentation.

Get in touch

  • What if your organisation or team could work well together even when physically apart?
  • What if your organisation’s “work from home” policy could be a competitive advantage, while also helping address important social, diversity, urban planning and environmental issues?
  • What if you could have a meaningful, well-paid career without a daily commute to a physical office.

If you are starting, managing, working in, joining, or starting a distributed team, this is for you.


Quite a long time between starting this thread and getting the booklet out @nadia and @matthias? :thinking:

Anyway… I’ve got myself the booklet (on paper) and maybe I would be interested to produce a version in Croatian language. How to go about that?

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Ciao Nenad,

That’s really cool that you would like to have it translated, do you know of a publisher who might be interested in distributing it in Croatia?

After we released the booklet three things happened:

  • We got helpful critical feedback from community members and we interest from a publisher who could also do a good job of promoting it, provide a professional editor etc.
  • Community members started asking us to do workshops/help with fixing remote work issues in their organisations. From which we also got new insights on how to help other organisations who are very different from our own to make the transition.
  • And we were put in touch with a publishing house that saw the potential in the book, could provide an editor and also has a wide readership in both French and English - they could do a much better job of promoting it.

So we decided to put in more work and do a new version. Putting together a quality book is a lot more work than I had anticipated.

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I don’t think there is a need for a publisher in Croatia, it’s a small country and market and the book is not that attractive. I can translate it and produce it myself.

With the help of editor the booklet could be turned into a book, I suppose :slightly_smiling_face: If new and improved version is pending I can wait.

Yes, indeed. I was following creation of this book (which I recommend) within Virtual Team Talk online community. It was a lot of work.

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The Legitech-published version you got is the new and improved one already. What took us so long is getting from our first self-published book, as seen in the post at the top of the page, to the new and improved version published by Legitech.

There are always ways for further improvement, obviously!

Thank you, will take a look for inspiration when eventually deciding to do a third edition. Another quality (and free) resource on this topic that I like is “GitLab’s Guide to All-Remote”.

Mmmh, not sure yet. We did not like how our initial self-published English version was doing. Of course, it could be different in Croatia as marketing might need much less effort and no pre-established channels of a publisher. But are you sure about this resp. maybe can tell us about cases that prove your point?

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Oh, so Legitech is a publisher you are referring to @nadia? :thinking:

I’m not a newcomer to remote work (Virtual Teams for Systemic Change) and I’m not a newcomer to publishing industry in Croatia (in “previous life” I worked as marketing director for one of the largest Croatian publishers and I’m a published translator). Legitech-published version is not what I would call a book. It’s a booklet (and an overpriced one, even in European terms).

A product like that would not be of interest for any Croatian publisher. However, what you produced is the right size and content for my consulting and coaching work (in Croatian language). I need a paper artifact like that and, maybe, a digital version, so I’m interested in producing Croatian version. In Croatia I work via non-profit organisation(s) and we produced, for example, this booklet (in Croatian, original in English).

Clarifying question: do you mean that your self-published book is shared on top of the page? If yes, I don’t see it.

yes it’s our publisher for the benelux region

No we pulled it back, its not available anywhere as far as I know.

Ah that’s good to know, thank you.

I see how that makes sense. In the context of a consultancy-related collaboration I think it could be interesting. Let’s have a call to discuss this?