The application

Would it be possible to have all documents that are not in use removed from the Google drive? I think it would be easier if all documents in the drive are documents that should be editied. I dare not to remove any documents as my knowledge of the application process is too limited.

It would also - if time allows - be very helpful if the project manager could point ut where information is missing - in some cases it is obvious, but in others this is (at least for participants lacking previous experience from EU-applications) far from self-evident. 


Hi Erik,

If you access the google drive now you should be able to all the files we are currently working on in it (I have put older documentation in folders). They are the separate WPs people are uploading, documents uploaded by Mike which we still need though, a file where you need to write down your organisation PIC, and then the most important:

Remember during Thursday’s call we agreed to work on the main Application form and have assigned sections to each partner. It is in here that you need to keep an eye on, fill in your section and review others. If you keep the document open throughout this week it should be clear to you where additions are still needed… all clear? Please come back with clarifications should you have trouble seeing the document, time is short.