The Camp in Medenine

So @nadia @matthias do you think people will still be interested to come to the camp knowing that they will not be working on their projects, but other peopleā€™s projects? Donā€™t you think we should keep it general? and then after the camp (where we will introduce the Open Village Academy) people will relate to the open village academy because they will know more about what they need and have a clearer thinking methodology? however, when we work on a certain projects, the needs and thinking methodology will vary from one to another? so maybe we should keep it general?

Yosser and I had an online meeting where we discussed the objectifs and the program of the camp :


  1. Growing the edgeryders community in tunisia
  2. Building a community to launch the reef house in tunisia
  3. Present Medenine as a low cost city that we can easily work and prototype in it
  4. Giving the opportunity to the participants to work on their ideas ( make a progress receive feed backs online (during the camp) and offline (on the platform after the camp)

The main participants (around 60 persons) of the camp are:

  • Edgeryders community (20-25%)
  • New entrepreneurs (30%)
  • Talented people / students/ social actors (50%)


  • Day 1:

    • Project Gallery ( people present their projects)
    • Skills Gallery (people present their skills )
    • Workshop About Communication and pitching
    • LunchBreak
    • Data Collection and Outputs
    • Workshop About Community Involvement
    • Data Collection and Outputs / Updating the project gallery
    • Matching The Skills Makers With The Idea Makers
    • Walk Back Home And Dinner
    • Preparation For Pitching The Project For Tomorrow
  • Day 2

    • Breakfast
    • Pitching The Projects (Q&A)
    • Modification of Project Gallery (Re-Matching)
    • Lunch
    • Workshop about Prototyping ( team work )
    • Workshop About Financial Sustainability ( team work)
    • Data Collection
    • Dinner
    • Movie Night: Where Do We Go Now

Yosser suggested two extra days for those who want to visit the city ,

We already have Noemi with the community involvement. How can you help with other workshops ? Which workshop will you deliver?

We need an answer as soon as possible so we can finalize the program and hand it to the local administrations to get some sponsoring.

PS: Yosser will go to France Next week (29th of October) so we would love to hand it to the governor and mayor before she goes, to gain time.


@Sohayeb @nadia @matthias @noemi @hazem @Yosser

Iā€™m so intersted with two topics, commuication skills and prototyping. These are the important thing to develop our own

Ok this looks good.

Maybe the workshop about financial sustainability @Sohayeb could do along with @matthias?
I think the two of you together could be a very good match because you are coming at the issue from completely different perpespectives: one is about minimising dependency on money and another about generating revenue. You need both and they are offering different strategies and models.

Maybe @matteo_uguzzoni could be up for the workshop about Pitching and communication? It would a question of the terms and conditions for doing something like this as itā€™s what Matteo does professionally for a living. So letā€™s seeā€¦ if/how it could be done.

Then Maybe the prototyping could be myself - this is more of a design workshop.

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Thanks @nadia we will be waiting for the confirmation , next step should be the preparation of the training session /workshop by the recommended persons.

If @matteo_uguzzoni is not available, we can help out and do a session on communication & storytelling based on our workshop material and experience pitching projects

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Or we do a combo communication jam workshop, Iā€™d like to come and help either way.

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Hey everyone, that sounds great!

We have different workshop for different time-span, it really depends how deep we want to go on doing a real workshop vs a lecture.

The PowerPitch Masterclass is a two days long workshop (12 exercises) that is very helpful for designer and project leader that already have an clear idea about their project, maybe in this Camp we can think about something more general that explain theory and have 2/3 exercises to ground the concepts.

I didnā€™t find the days of the Camp, when it will be happen? :slight_smile:

Maybe @imake or @heba might be interested in this?

@Matteo when it will be happen? during the last week of december .

I totally agree that we should keep it general like best practices of pitching a project ,I think that
it will be interesting also if we help the participants to prepare their own pitch during the workshop
So the workshop will be an alternation between the best practices and an exercise of pitching

Hi @zmorda sorry Iā€™m late with feedback, been slightly afk. The program looks really busy -which is good, but for time management I suggest making enough space for the workshops - if they will be more masterclasses than workshops, they can go in 1h30mins. But if they are workshops, they will need 2 hours minimum.

What do you call data collection? Any format that you guys have in mind?

Matteo did you see @winnieponcelet comment ^^?

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First the participants will present their projects in a piece of paper so after each workshop the participants are asked to update their project from what they learned ( we will allocate some time so they can discuss with the others participants and collect informations / feedbacks ) probably it is not the right world to use but this is what is meant by data collection :slight_smile:

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Hello all

Call for the trainers who will animate the differents workshop during the camp

To run the social media campaign we need the objectifs and the output of each workshop , could you please feel in the attached file to help us?

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The final version of the camp description is available through the following link
If you have any recommendation to optimize the cost please share it with us

@noemi @matthias @hazem @Sohayeb @nadia @johncoate

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Thank you @zmorda, iā€™m free in that period so I would love to participate, I can also help on the prototype process, (if, for example we want to use a Business Model Canvass workshop style).
30 minutes for the pitching lesson itā€™s a very very short time (I saw that schedule in the program), 45 minute is the minimum to pass all the content without exercises.

But maybe we can talk about that later in the process.

80% I would fly to Beirut right after the camp, so from my side itā€™s enough to have the one way Italy-Tunisia cost covered (btw itā€™s better to fly over Djerba or Tunis?)

@Achraouaou we will be happy if you can attend the camp in December :slight_smile:

les workshops sont trĆØs intĆ©ressants je peut vous idĆ©e sur le plant artistique de camp ā€¦ en faite je peux vous assurĆ© des soirĆ©es artistique avec nos musiciens et nos djā€™s des ateliers de Street art , de coaching thĆ©Ć¢trale ā€¦etc


@zmorda @Yosser @noemi @nadia Just seeing this and appreciate Iā€™m late in the game, but if you still need someone to host something on communication, thatā€™s one of my areas of specialty (as is community development/ involvement but I reckon thatā€™s already covered by several wonders here!). I really hear where youā€™re coming from Yosser, and for several years now Iā€™ve been focusing a lot of my work in co-hosting conditions for inclusive and effective communication across various communities - such as through practices like the art of hosting, and particularly including experimenting with situation-specific techniques. Would need to confirm that thereā€™s room/ budget etc. for me there but wanted to at least flag that Iā€™d be open to helping if thereā€™s need/ want.