The Circular Cars Initiative

The Circular Cars Initiative is part of the World Economic Forum’s platforms aiming to tackle the green transition topics.
It was jointly formed created by World Economic Forum and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) with the goal to “accelerate a revolution in automotive sustainability”.

The Initiative gathers 40 automotive companies, research institues, international organisations and governmental bodies working in the direction of zero-emissions.

Shaped as a partnership between stakeholders from the automobility ecosystem (e.g. industry, policymakers and fleet purchasers) it aims to achieve an affordable automobility system anchored to the 1.5°C climate scenario by 2030.

In their vision, a “circular car” is a concept of a vehicle that produces zero materials waste & and zero pollution in its lifetime, not only zero emission. An automotive industry built around this pillar would potentially deliver economic, societal and ecological dividends.

The partnership includes World Business Council for Sustainable Development, SYSTEMIQ, Accenture (leading the “business models workstream”), McKinsey (leading the “materials workstream”) and… EIT Climate-KIC (note - check if that is still active and organise a workshop).
The “policy workstream” was under development in 2020.
Through collaborations, engagement and knowledge sharing, the Inititative wants to promote action workgroups and pilot projects for companies, policymakers, legislators, and regulators worldwide, along with the development of options for policy actions.

The Initiative published several reports on the topic of automotive and circularity.

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