The First unMonastery Co-Design Session | LONDON

To attend:

This event is intended to contribute to and build on what unMonastery will become in the spirit by which it came into being during the first EdgeRyders unconference. Our aim is to develop unMonastery in a way that is decentralised, reproducible and meets the needs of not just our own working lives but does so by giving something to the local communities in which it is situated.

With this in mind the first Co-Design workshop and discussion group will be focused on mapping the goals and framework of the overall project – highlighting useful and pre-existing examples of projects that have sought to realise similar goals to the unMonastery.

The Plan:

The day starts at 12pm with an introduction to the project as it currently stands, what currently exists of the model and a short overview from Ilaria via skype covering the site of the first prototype, Matera.

Followed by lunch (if there weather is good – we’ll make it a BBQ). So that everyone can meet each other and get a better understanding for who’s in the room.

Then we will use a combination of Method Kit and Open-space Technology to map separately the 3 core components for how unMonastery will be realised in Matera – those areas include Internal, Interface and Outreach.

From this point we’re break into individual groups to consider each area in more depth. Once we’ve worked through this we’ll allow for those in attendance to shape the final part of the day.

If you have something specific you’d like to bring to the day: a short presentation of a relevant project, a proposal for an area of unMonastery or anything else you might consider relevant, please get in touch with

What is unMonastery?

For those not already familiar with the project, here’s a summary of the unMonastery, what it is and where we’re currently at:

unMonastery is a new kind of social space, akin to co-living and co-working spaces, that serves the local communities of towns or small city’s by enabling a process of co-creation and co-learning between the community and unMonasterians. By embedding committed, skilled individuals in places with a deficit of diverse skills and knowledge it can solve social and infrastructural problems by enabling native inhabitants to realise their own potential.

You can read more indepth details about the project on our website

In a short space of time we have gone from an idea generated at lote as part of the EdgeRyders network to a loose framework, to a more refined public facing web presence and defined idea of what unMonastery will be. We’re now onto the next stage, a prototype of unMonastery is to go live in September 2013 in the Italian city of Matera, as part of the city’s bid for European City of Culture 2019.

Additional Travel Details: 

5 Minutes from Manor House on the Picadilly Line.

twitter: @limazululondon




are there more of these? on one of my print outs it says *meetups every sunday, shortened to 1 hour so everyone comes at the same time.
