The Shock of the New: Arts, Technology, and Making Sense of the Future

I am invited to a conference of this title. It is this year’s issue of the Salzburg Global Seminar, happening in late February 2018 in Salzburg (d’oh). They offered to cover my trip.

There is a strong contingent of this informal network (Solution Finders) spun by Giulio Quaggiotto. I am a part of it, and this is how I get invited. Here is a list of invitees (not for circulation). What to you think the networking value of it is? Should I accept? How should I approach it?

@alberto The invite list is epic (in terms of funders, partners, thoughtleaders), and you should definitely accept in my opinion. GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR ER. Ideally we get Nadia or I there too to leverage strategic opportunities and expose us to the movements emerging.

In terms of how to approach it - have you been invited to present or do you mean simply how to approach the people in the room?

Appreciate that. Ok. I’m accepting then.

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