The Viral Academy

Is a methodology and a hybrid online course&sustainable business supported by experts, delivered virally to create employment opportunities for hundreds of young people through training them how to create mobile and business applications.

Why Viral Academy&Edgeryders?

  • The project is replicable and potentially fundable in other regions 
  • The aim of the project links back to the first year of Edgeryders
  • Sustainable business model is goes hand in hand with Edgeryders current development.
  • There are multiple simple ways for people on Edgeryders platform to get involved with the project.

Aims of the project:

  • To train thousands on new coders, designers, and project managers, in the latest commercial tools, by inspiring young people to take up low cost, high quality online training courses.
  • To create a sustainable business, by delivering innovative apps, developed by young people, for the coolest clients, recycling the profits to create and maintain the best training opportunities for young people at the lowest cost.

Courses are free

  • On the promise that students repay
  • By passing on their learning to others
  • In classes of no more than 8
  • Allowing 2 teachers to train 512 students

Teams not Classes

Teams of no more than 8

  • Face-to-face Hangouts
  • Screen sharing of code and designs
  • Free collaborative cloud based IDE
  • Pair Programming gives confidence
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to add to it

An important point is that VA methodology doesn’t imply building whole separate platform. It is to use and tweak existing tools for objectives of each participant and each project to be developed through this methodology during the course.

what about its own place on the internet?

The name sounded familiar, so I looked it up - there’s a web domain unused at the moment and a facebook page lying dorman: (i’m guessing it’s not you)

Are you guys building a website for this?

Website in a sense

Start without a platform. Rather a set of tools and the details of methodology. We’ll feed everything into the blog: how is it going, tools we use and one’s developed on during the process, links to related material.

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Viral Academy Website

Sorry for the slow reply @Noemi - we’ve been heavily involved at unMonastery working on The Festival of Growing, and neglected posting and updating in this group until the relationship between the projects was sorted. Our mistake!

Yes we have a website - - and the good news is that we also managed to register the new top level domain - There is as of yet no content on the site, but as of today we will be posting regularly on EdgeRyders and on the web site about the project as we switch a little focus back to this project.

Excited :slight_smile:

Nice call with @fortyfoxe

Let’s talk again soon

Integrating Viral Academy with Makerfox and Open Initiatives

@Sylvain - maybe you should post a paragraph up here about I’ll make a post about the synergy in the coming days. Would like to know more about some of the technical and structural aspects first so will poke around :slight_smile:

Sure, thanks!

Open Funding is a co-funding platform for free software. It aims at providing a sustainable business model to free software development and common good production. The idea is to enable free software users to contribute to projects by funding them feature by feature, creating a long term relationship between a project and its community. It also takes a professional approach to crowdfunding by enabling users to validate the development, thus guaranteeing the quality of the result.

Let me know if you have any question about how it works!