5 more weeks before the Edgeryders final conference and the platform is on fire!! We are putting all of our efforts to create a unique change making discussion there. So, we would like to ask for your contribution & ideas! We know the great things we can make all together by helping each other. Peer2Peer Moreover, we think that local authorities would be a great added value for the conference and this is why we would like you to suggest some that you think ought to come. Don’t spend much time on it, an email or a phone call ought to do. Once you let us know who they are, the team will then send them an official invitation to join us in Strasbourg at the Council of Europe! Have you started doing the new missions of the new campaigns: Resilience and Finale? If not, read some of the mission reports, comment and get inspired! Maybe you have something to share as well
For the previous week, the most welcome and commented mission report was Neodynos’ “Alternative currencies to the rescue”. Have you ever tried to exchange something by time banking? How did it work (or not)? Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter (edgeryders) and Facebook for daily updates & news!