Thoughts on managing @edgeryders twitter handle

Now that we have the twitter rotation experiment under way, it might be useful to share and discuss the different ways of doing it, seeing what works best and what makes it fun! The invitation to take turns in running our common social media channels stays, so if you’re up for trying this get in touch :slight_smile:

How Noemi does it:

  • check daily to collect content and "get the pulse" of the community. I am following most groups, so I receive daily email notifications of new posts, wikis, comments etc
  • focus on 1 major piece of content and push it out at least in 3 tweets at hours distance during the day - it can be a new blog post, a breakthrough in one of the projects, highlighting a great thing that a generous Edgeryder did lately eg. Sam shooting and producing a video at Lote3, Rita making a beautiful inspiring graphic etc. 
  • the rest of the daily tweets are retweets, quotes from comments I like, welcoming new peeps etc.
  • tailor some content for specific community members adding "could interest you Edgeryders" or cc -ing those in particular
  • i also follow the \#lote3 and \#edgeryders search to see when someone tweets about us, and I RT

    What’s probably missing from this approach

  • engaging more in conversations that could generate new interesting ideas and bring in more, new community members
  • more network weaving : getting people and organisations in touch with one another and seeding collaboration
  • an authentic voice : the trade off between keeping a neutral tone representing a community of 1000+ and tweeting to 1000+, doing justice to as much content as possible (current approach) vs. tweeting with a personal voice making it clear that there's a human behind the account.

[add your own approach or advice, we’d love to hear it!]

If our experiment is proving valuable for those doing the work and seeing the account in action, we should consider developing a set of Ethical Guidelines (civil discourse, no personal attacks, also a process for password handing and changing it on a regular basis)

How to build effective posts on Social Media Platforms: A guide!