Three calls for conference presentations/papers/creative formats

Dear all
I’d like to share with you three calls for conference presentations/papers/creative formats that may be of interest - feel free to share and circulate to potentially interested colleagues.

II Digital Geographies Conference - Critical perspectives on platform economy

The conference will be in a virtual format and the deadline for abstract submission is May 31.

The flyer of the conference is in attachment and this is the website with all details:


Where next for Digital Geographies? Pathways and prospects
Digital Geographies Research Group Annual Symposium

Date: 14 July
Location: Zoom

The digital has fundamentally transformed our lifeworlds. Our lives are increasingly dependent on and lived through digital worlds, not only shaping the everyday, but also how we conduct research and teaching. Across the globe, geographical interest in the digital has been growing and attracting a diverse range of scholars, from cultural geographers to GI Scientists. In recent years digital geography has matured as an area of activity with the founding of dedicated journals and research groups. Despite the increasing interest in the digital, however, there remains a risk that digital geographies is both all-encompassing and, perhaps, lacking in specificity. As this area of work matures, therefore, it is timely to reflect on its future research pathways and prospects. ’ Where next for Digital Geographies?’ thus forms the theme for 2021’s fifth DGRG Annual Symposium.

The Symposium will feature keynote provocations from:

  • Alex Hanna (UC Berkeley)
  • Martin Zebracki (University of Leeds)
  • Roopika Risam (Salem State University)
  • Peta Mitchell (Queensland University of Technology)

Panel discussants will include:

  • Andrew Dwyer (Durham University)
  • Lizzie Richardson (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
  • Tabea Bork-Hüffer (Innsbruck University)

In addition to these discussions, we invite contributions to the Symposium that engage with the following, or related topics:

  • Power and the digital: power, politics and propaganda
  • Digital identities
  • The body and the digital
  • Methodological futures
  • Creativity and the digital
  • Robotics and AI
  • Digital ethics
  • Digital health
  • Regulation and governance

Contributions can take different forms in keeping with our commitment to diversifying engagement, particularly taking account of COVID-related caring and other responsibilities. Conventional 15-minute presentations are welcomed in both live and pre-recorded formats. We are continuing our successful Digital Shorts Series for those wishing to pitch an idea, a provocation or simply to briefly summarise the work they’re currently engaged with. Digital Shorts last just 2-5 minutes, ideal for postgraduates and ECRs wishing to showcase work in progress. We also make space for contributions in more creative formats – just get in touch with the Symposium organisers to discuss your ideas. At previous events, we have hosted artworks, interventions and even a discussion session within Gary’s Mod.

Please submit your abstract by 31 May 2021 here or by emailing Tess Osborne (

Registration is free of charge for all and is available via our Eventbrite page.

  1. Session Piattaforme digitali, cibo e città / Digital Platforms, food and cities , Italian Society of Geographical Studies Conference “Geografia e Cibo/Geography and Food”

Extended deadline: 10th May

The Italian Society of Geographical Studies (Società di Studi Geografici) is launching a new online conference titled “Geography and Food”. The conference will be held on the 10/11 June 2021 ( 9am-7pm) via webex.

I am organising and will chair with Michela Lazzaroni a session on Piattaforme digitali, cibo e città [Digital platforms, food and the city]. The official language is italian but contributes in english are accepted.

Session description (in italian):

Lo spazio urbano “aumentato” dalla dimensione digitale rappresenta oggi uno dei contesti principali in cui diversi attori sociali intervengono nel processo di governance del cibo attraverso l’uso delle piattaforme web. Queste stanno cambiando radicalmente i modi in cui le città sono abitate, immaginate e governate; in cui gli attori del sistema locale del cibo interagiscono a livello transcalare con le reti globali, tramite flussi che attraversano gli spazi regionali e macro-regionali; in cui vengono modellati nuovi sistemi di governance alimentare, creando, ad esempio, spazi di produzione, di consumo o di deliberazione prima inesistenti.

La sessione mira a ospitare interventi su

  • come l’uso delle piattaforme digitali stia trasformando l’idea del cibo e il suo ruolo nella vita quotidiana, e stia generando profondi cambiamenti nelle (infra)strutture fisiche e immateriali di approvvigionamento, distribuzione, e consumo;
  • come la diffusione delle piattaforme digitali incida sulle relazioni tra gli attori del sistema agro-alimentare (dal food delivery e la distribuzione su ampia scala alle reti del commercio dirette tra agricoltori e consumatori) e sull’organizzazione dei movimenti e reti alternative del cibo;
  • come tali piattaforme possano contribuire alle iniziative di contrasto allo spreco alimentare e essere attivate nelle fasi di post-consumo.
  • Inoltre, può risultare interessante riflettere su come le logiche delle piattaforme digitali (come la gamification, datification, reputation, networks effects etc.) si riverberino nei sistemi di governance locali del cibo e su come sia necessario tenerne conto all’interno del dibattito sulle politiche del cibo a scala urbana.

Check the full program here: clicca qui
Check the “Piattaforme digitali, cibo e città” session here: clicca qui

Abstract submission here (deadline 10th of May)

Info and submission to Chiara Certomà, Università di Torino , and Michela Lazzeroni, Università di Pisa ,