Training young people on how to accomplish small development projects in their country from my experiences

I am nader berrajeh i’m 19 years old and I am studying in the fourth year of secondary school. I have been involved in social life for two years. I am very interested in these matters and I am trying to communicate my ideas for the benefit of society and the development of thought and solving social problems. i’m participed in The project of the Tunisian apec Association for citiezenship. As well as the formation of how to complete and implement projects. This course was implemented in partnership between the German association mitost and thk and the association ajem pour l’environnement marin of Tunisia

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Hello @Nader, nice to meet you! When I was 19 I also was getting involved in different associations and trying to make a contribution somehow. What interests you in OpenVillage? How come you joined Edgeryders? By the way, you’re among the youngest community members!

What are your ideas? You’re also welcome to give others feedback to their projects here.

My interest was that people wanted to advance in social life, seek for the better, and live a life full of love and peace. I’ve been to Edgriders on and I’m glad to join OpenVillage and I’ll try my best to contribute

hey @Nader

ممكن تكتب اكتر عن تجربتك فى السنتين الماضيين … ممكن تكتب بالعربى او بالفرنساوى اذا كان افضل بالنسبة لك


شركة في الندوات الأسبوعية للدريب على المواطنة لمدة سنة كاملة و شاركت أيضا في حلقت حوار أقامتها ال PNUD ثم شاركت في مشروع mosta9bali الذي تحدثت عنه
و كل هذا لأنني شغوف بالمشاركة في الحياة الاجتماعية و التطوع