“What is this?” you wonder… “What is this amazing new concept everybody is talking about?” you ask…
Well it is the meta celebration of all that happens with the passing of one year, and the rebirth of another.
(unblur spoiler by clicking on it )
ie St Nicholas - Christmas - New Year - Reyes - reverse Blue Monday* - Chinese New Year**
(* yet another cutting edge concept from team community life, see my post The Reef "Christmas and New year" Party)
(** I had to stretch the symbols a bit for this one…)
Please add to the list if I missed anything!
“When will this amazing celebration be?” you eagerly want to know.
Well (pending objections and confirmation of attendance) @reef-communitylife would like to propose: Saturday 25th of january lunch/afternoon
We have a plenary set that day, so we figure it should be a good time to gather everybody
Below is the customary poll for all @reeflings to fill in
I will gladly join!
Sorry I won’t be able to make it
This is a preposterous idea and I won’t have anything to do with it
Looking forward!
(and yes, I shouldn"t be left on my own to play with ER on this type of posts!)
Does this meta celebration come with a Secret Magic Gifts Giving Ritual? (being a big fan of Secret Santa I’d be happy to volunteer)
Is there any scope to move the party to another day or to later in the evening? I’m asking because we’re in the middle of the avant-projet, and so I was hoping to turn that plenary meeting in a full day event. That’s not because I like meetings, but because I believe it will genuinely benefit us now and in the future if we take the time to talk certain things through.
We haven’t planned that far ahead yet but I don’t see why not. @reef-communitylife ?
And yes, if you’re happy to organise that, I’m personnally all up for that!
I would be more in favour of moving it to later that day, because I feel that we have more chance of higher attendance, as people might have blocked the day already for the plennary.
Also a closer date we risk not having many people available because of the short notice, and a later date we’re getting closer to the weekend gateway and we thought it was better to spread out events.
But then maybe that’s too much of a big day then?
I can try adding dates and we can see if we get enough people, so that we can see what could work…
@reeflings Here is an update on our Transition Celebration Party
First of all, as Sarah announced above: there is a change of date: the party will be held on Sunday 19 January at 3 PM
Where: Joannes & Anne’s place
What to Look Forward To:
Secret Santa: Ideally you bring a gift that you already have at home—something you no longer need but would love to share—or surprise somebody with something homemade. Update:@Lee will be our Secret Santa Secretary:
If you have a gift that you would like to give to a specific person: let her know and she will take a note. Be quick though, because we can only have one gift per person.
If you have a random gift, let Lie know what it is and then we’ll see who we can give it to.
Baking Competition: It is becoming a tradition: show off with your baking talents and compete for the title of Baking Champion 2025. Not a baker? No problem—feel free to bring a drink to share instead
Decoration: Bring any decorations you have lying around—whether it’s Christmas, Valentine’s, or something fun.
Please let us know in the poll below if you will attend:
I found particular joy last year in choosing a gift for a particular person. I also worry that if it’s random we may just be exchanging stuff. Example: say someone would no longer needs their portrait of Carl Marx and decides to give it away as a gift. If it’s put randomly in the pool, it’s likely that it will generate a “meh” reaction at best, while if it is given to @alberto he will be in seventh heaven.
Therefore, if this can be accepted, I would be happy to act as Santa’s Secretary. The way it would go is this:
If you have a gift that you would like to give to a specific person: let me know and I’ll take a note. Be quick though, because we can only have one gift per person.
If you have a random gift, let me know what it is and then we’ll see who we can give it to.
My 21 year old son is staying for a few days in Brussels and he is leaving on January 21 or 22. I would love for him to meet the fantastic people of The Reef. Can he accompany me to the celebration party on January 19? It would mean a lot for me .