TREASURE report D4.5 under way

Hello all, especially @marina and @ivan. A draft (already revised by me) of D4.5 is here.

Heads up: it is not in the TREASURE template yet, as Nica was not sure it should be (but yes, it does).

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Ok, so in order to send to partners for revision we need it to be in the template, @Nica can you give me the green light when it’s ready?

Yes – I will. I still need to finish the bibliography/works cited section, which I will do today.

As I mentioned to @alberto I am finding the template to be non-intuitive and I think I will need a little help putting the report into it.

Sure, just let me know if I can help. The templates are made in a way that you can delete the parts non-related to the report, so whatever feels out of place, you can remove.

I think I managed to put everything in the template and finished the last section. I still need to do the works cited/references section, and I will do that tomorrow morning (my time). Will post on this thread once it’s done.

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Okay, here it is – I think it’s basically all done, but I would like @marina and @alberto to take a look (Alberto, I added a bit to address your question about data sharing in EVs vs regular vehicles). I literally worked from the previous “ethics” Treasure report that Marina shared with me, and repurposed that template for this report. Some of the things in the beginning (part of the Executive Summary, version history, etc.) are still from the previous report, so needs to be updated – I marked those sections.

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Done, with very minor modifications. @marina you can submit.

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@alberto did you double check the TOC / page numbers after your modifications?

They are generated automatically.

Ok, but I saw that several of the headings were not in Heading 3 and Heading 4 style. Fixed now.

“Looking Ahead” and “References” are not reflected in the TOC…also should both of those sections start on new pages? Right now they are not.

This is because they are formatted to look like Headings, but they are not:



The TOC generates from text in the Headings style only.

Ahh ok

There are formatting issues, in the D10.2. you used for reference some things shifted as well for some reason (for example the main page, large logo…). Anyways, I made some edits, hope it will be fine. Sending it now for revision to the partners. Will put you in cc.

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