Tuesdays at 16:30 CET: Weekly call where we collaboratively select and curate content for effective communication

Hi everyone!

These weekly calls are where the Edgeryders communication crew coordinates the work of supporting project crews, community managers, fellows and community members to get the word out and engage people in the exciting work everyone is doing.

They happen here every tuesday at 16.30 CET: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Feel free to add activities, Links to content, questions or proposals for topics/questions/campaigns/projects that you wish us to include in the agenda for the next call in a comment below. Also, if you have information, input that can help us please feel free to post in comments below!


Current Affairs, News or events in the world

  • *what are hot conversation topics where you live on the internet and in the world? These can be general ones such as the unfolding church scandal in Poland, or the massive protests against corruption in the Czech Republic in a campaign that is being driven by the Czech Pirate party. Or they can be more specific to tech.

Upcoming Activities

  • is there anything related to your own work/interests that you would like more people to know about?
  • Any events that you are going to, involved in, would like to organise or see happen with others in the Edgeryders scene?

IOH Conversations

  • Any conversations that you have come across here and that you would like to see more people join?
  • Maybe you have a burning question, or topic that you wish us to help build a conversation around for you.
  • My own ones are…
    Tech + Sustainability: How to do a campaign/ call for people to send us burning questions to explore around this topic? What is the call for action/input? Who do we want in this conversation?
    Tech + Justice: How to do a campaign/ call for people to send us burning questions to explore around this topic? What is the call for action/input? Who do we want in this conversation?

IOH is what we make of it, so what would you like to see in here? Tell us!

I already gave @anon82932460 the heads up about the blog. In general, what goes there is curated content intended for general consumption. So, I encourage the comms team to keep an eye on the blog feed and treat every post as material to push out.

You could even recycle some content of the past, as long as it was not too heavily time-specific.


First iteration of the social media post plan coming up!

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I will be there for the call!

great- anything you want to add to the agenda?