Unforeseen costs (building budget)

He was supposed to make those calls on Decembre 14th. Has he been in touch?

The notary mentioned a name in his mail to Ugne (see Protonmail).

" 2. À défaut d’un suivi engagé de vos architectes en contrôle d’exécution, bénéficier d’une maîtrise d’ouvrage déléguée (dépenser un peu d’argent pour en gagner) par exemple, [not sure whether I should leave the person’s name in]". The link to his LinkedIn profile is in the agenda of tomorrow’s team Building meeting.



@sarah asked the question to mark, if he would have an idea on what it costs more or less to connect us to water, electricity,…

Here is his answer, data from The Spiegel:

  • Vivaqua connection sewerage: 5.823€
  • Vivaqua connection 12 counters for water: 7.307€
  • Sibelga connection for 1 common counter for gaz (not applicable for us) : 1.773€ → For budget reasons we chose for 1 common counter and 12 private in between counters (instead of 13 sibelga gaz counters)
  • Sibelga connection electricity : 1 common and 12 private counters : 4.371€

(so small cost)

he said that the counters for the ‘chantier’ should not be a cost for us, but for the contractor (but to be foreseen in the contract)

fyi Mark also said they had a bad surprise and were obliged to foresee a ‘high tension cabine’, as the electricity that was left over to distribute was not enough for the cohousing. This lead to modifying the plans quite late in the process, meaning ‘private cellar space that was sold’ needed to be converted into a common space for this cabine. (but guess that would fall under the 10% safety margin). I understood this might not be sth that we can anticipate. Only Sibelga can tell us if this is necessary and probably not possible to get an answer on this already from them (to be seen with the special techniques, to have an idea what we will need as electricity)